Monday, October 31, 2016

Amazing Lower Body Home Workouts you Can Do Now


Welcome to the Shot of Adrenaline Lower Body Home Workout! What follows is a fun, 100% calisthenics challenge for everyone’s second-favorite half of the body to exercise.

What do we mean by that? Well, if you weren’t aware, there’s a portion of the fitness community that is in need of help. Good people all around the world are working hard to get the chest, abs and arms of their dreams. But there’s a big problem with that: for all their good work, they’re completely neglecting everything from the waist down.

That’s right… they’re skipping leg day.

Remember, make sure you download the Lower Body Tabata Home Workouts Follow-along sheets to your phone or computer for FREE — By Clicking the button below…



Download Here (FREE) <==


Maybe you know someone ignoring the development of the lower body. Maybe you occasionally do it yourself. Either way, it’s time to stop the hiding and name-calling. It’s time to come together with a solution. And that’s what we have for you today!

In this article, we’re going to dive deep into the very best bodyweight exercises for the lower body. We’ll show you why they’re so great and how exactly to do them. Then, we’re going to offer you a few different ways to implement them in a workout. Hey, we all have different styles and preferences when it comes to exercising, so you can implement them whichever way you want.


Why Bodyweight Exercises

As readers of this site probably know, we’re big proponents of calisthenics and bodyweight exercises. In fact, our entire company is dedicated to the idea that the best workout isn’t gained with fancy gym equipment or heavy weights. We believe that one’s own body is the key to a solid, ripped physique and true strength.

That said, we understand that not everyone agrees with us. Many people think that bodyweight exercises are impractical for lower body workouts. Now, to be fair, there is some truth to that. As we’ve said before, if you wish to get huge legs like that of a football player or bodybuilder, calisthenics will probably not be able to help you.

But that doesn’t mean bodyweight training for your lower body is useless… far from it! You can still build strength, burn away fat and have toned, chiseled legs that are going to build your confidence and make it clear to everyone that you never skip leg day.

And the truth is, in terms of your overall health and wellbeing, bodyweight training is far safer. Simply put, when you’re doing leg training with weights, you’re putting yourself in very vulnerable positions, and often with a dangerous amount of weight.

We won’t share any here, but there are plenty of examples of gruesome injuries that take place while someone is squatting or leg pressing with an abundance of weight.

Now, that’s not to say that all weight training is dangerous. It also would be unfair to imply that no one ever suffered an injury doing calisthenics. After all, athletes at any level are constantly susceptible to injury, even when doing seemingly everything correctly. Our bodies can be very fragile sometimes.

What we are saying instead is that there is much less inherent risk with a calisthenics-based exercise, as it’s just your own weight. Even doing a weighted squat or using a leg press machine safely and correctly can cause joint pain down the road, due to the excessive weight you’re using. Knees are especially at risk here.

So again, while calisthenics may not get your the barrel-sized thighs you see on your favorite linebacker, it is definitely our preferred method for getting a cut, strong lower body.


The Exercises

Bodyweight Squat

Primary muscles worked: quadriceps

Secondary muscles worked: glutes, hamstrings, abdominals

How to do it: Stand with your feet slightly further than shoulder-width apart and your toes pointed forward. Slowly lower your body by bringing your hips back as if you were going to sit in a chair (some people say “drop your butt”). This is very important because this is where most people make their mistake when performing a squat. Don’t just drop your body in a slight crouch; that won’t help you at all.

When you are at your low-point for your squat, your knees should not go past your feet. Now, this isn’t written in stone as it may be difficult for long-legged or exceptionally tall people, but you should still make an effort to keep your knees from lunging forward in the squat. Also, your back will be angled forward slightly, but it should not be bent at all. Your back should be straight and parallel to your shins.

When bringing your body back to the starting point, thrust your hips forward in a kind of “swinging” motion.

For an extra challenge, you can add a 1-second pause when you reach the low-point of the squat before raising back up. Or you can explode through your heels for a jump squat, if you wanted to add some plyometrics to your workout.

Forward lunge

Primary muscles worked: glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps

Secondary muscles worked: calves, abdominals

How to do it: Step forward with one foot and lower your hips until your thigh is parallel to the floor and your back knee almost touches the ground. Again, you don’t want your knees going too far forward.

With your weight on your front foot, bring your body back to the starting position. Perform the same action with your legs switched.

For an extra challenge, you can rest your back leg on an elevated surface (usually 1’-2’ off the ground). This will allow for an extended range of motion and a tougher exercise.

Calf raise against wall

Primary muscles worked: calves

Secondary muscles worked: thighs, glutes

How to do it: Place your hands on a wall or sturdy surface. Your hands should be no higher than eye-level. Lean on the wall with your feet straight back behind you. Pick one foot off the floor. With the foot still on the floor, pick your heel up so that your weight is resting on the front of one foot.

Your body should be completely straight. To make sure of this, tighten your glutes and your core. Make sure, however, that your knees have a very slight bend. Now, with your hands still on the wall and one foot on the floor, raise your heel up so that it drives your entire body upward.

Repeat with the other leg when finished with the first one.

For an extra challenge, the more parallel your body is to the floor, the tougher the exercise will get. You should still make sure your hands don’t go higher than eye-level, though.

Side lunges

Primary muscles worked: abductors/adductors, glutes, quadriceps

Secondary muscles worked: hamstrings, calves

How to do it: Begin standing with your feet together. Step laterally with one leg (out to your side) as far as it can go without moving your other foot. Plant your moving foot on the floor, then drop just as you would for a forward lunge.

Again, it’s important to keep your core engaged in order to stabilize your body during the movement. You do not want to lean forward, and your back should stay straight.

When in full lunge position, plant hard off your extended leg to drive your body back to the starting position. Repeat for the same side.

For an extra challenge, when driving your extended leg back to starting position, instead of immediately putting your foot back on the floor, bring your knee up to your chest, then back to the floor.

Wall sit

Primary muscles worked: quadriceps, glutes, calves

Secondary muscles worked: hamstrings

How to do it: Place your back firmly against a wall or another solid, flat surface. Slowly lower your hips until both of your thighs are parallel to the floor. Your legs should be bent close to a 90-degree angle, so your feet should not be out too far.

This is an isometric hold, meaning you are to remain static for the duration of the exercise. Keep your hands away from your legs, as that may tempt you to use your arms to take some of the pressure off your legs. Keep your back flat against the wall.

For an extra challenge, you could get twenty or so buddies and have your coach walk across your laps while you hold 45-pound weights. But since we don’t really advocate any part of that sentence, just keep trying to increase the time you can hold the wall sit position.

3-point elevated calf raise

Primary muscles worked: calves

Secondary muscles worked: quadriceps

How to do it: This exercise takes place in three different phases. You will move from one phase to the other with no rest. In order to do the exercise, you’ll need to stand on an elevated surface (a step, for example) with your heels hanging off. You can hold onto something with your hand(s) for balance.

For the first phase, your toes will be pointed straight forward. Like calf raises against a wall, you should have a very slight bend in your knees. Lower your heels below your toes, then with your weight on your toes, drive your heels up.

For the next phase, you’ll do the same thing, only your toes will be pointed inward, and you will rest your weight on the inside front of your feet (near your big toe). Hold your weight here and drive your heels upward.

For the third phase, point your toes outward and rest your weight on the outside of your feet (near your pinky toe). Drive your heels upward with your weight on the outside front of your feet.

For an extra challenge, try doing all three phases without holding on to anything. This will dramatically improve your balance and give you a tougher exercise.


Workout Variations

Like we said, there are a lot of different ways you can use these exercises. And a lot of it depends on your preference. So with that in mind, take a look at the workout options we’ve put together for you for your at home workout.

Take a look, see which ones catch your fancy, and don’t be afraid to try them all! No matter which you prefer, all of these are an excellent way to workout your lower body.

Option #1: Straight sets

Perform each of these exercises in three consecutive sets before moving on to the next exercise. Here is our recommended number of reps for each exercise:

  • Bodyweight squats: 3 sets of 10
  • Forward lunge: 3 sets of 6/leg
  • Calf raise against wall: 3 sets of 12/leg
  • Side lunge: 3 sets of 6/leg
  • Wall sit: 3 sets of 30 seconds
  • 3-point elevated calf raise: 3 sets of 10/position

Option #2: Circuit training

Similar to working in “straight sets,” only here you’ll be moving from one exercise to the next after you complete one set of each exercise. That means you’ll be moving in a “circuit” three times.

So for example, you will start with one set of ten bodyweight squats, then move to forward lunges, doing six per leg. Then you will move on to the calf raises against a wall for 12 per leg, and so on.

When you complete one set of all six exercises, that’s one “circuit.” Repeat two more times.

Option #3: Pyramid

A “pyramid” style exercise is sure to push you to your limits. Basically, you’ll be starting at the bottom of a pyramid and moving up. And of course, pyramids are much larger at the bottom, and get progressively smaller at the top. The same principles apply to what we’re doing here: you’ll start with a high number of reps, then move down to a smaller number (of course, by the time you get to the smaller numbers, you should be pretty exhausted by then!)

Perform each exercise to completion before moving on to another exercise, just like with “straight sets.”

  • Bodyweight squats: 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
  • Forward lunge: 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (per leg)
  • Calf raise against wall: 10, 9, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1 (per leg)
  • Side lunge: 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, (per leg)
  • Wall sit (in seconds): 45, 30, 20, 10
  • 3-point elevated calf raise: 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 (per position)

Option #4: Tabata

If you’re unfamiliar with Tabata workouts, get ready to sweat!

Tabata is a type of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) where a person will complete 8 rounds of various exercises in a 20/10 format for one complete circuit.

This means a person will work for 20 seconds, pushing themselves as hard as they can. Then the person will rest for 10 seconds before repeating. You’re not working to reach a certain number of reps; you’re just pushing as hard as you can the entire 20 seconds.

Now, you may have figured out that with this the Tabata format, you can’t do all the exercises at great length like the other options. However, Tabata has been shown to be a more effective form of exercise than traditional workouts. The reason is because you’re pushing your body to the limit and, with only 10 seconds rest between sets, you’re going to be using your muscles when they’re most fatigued, resulting in more growth, tone and strength.

As far as which exercises to choose and how many times you do them, that’s really up to you! You can choose two exercises to do 4 times each (remember, Tabata is 8 total rounds), or you can do 4 exercises twice, or one exercise all 8 rounds… You’re the boss!

Here are a few examples of how you can use Tabata for your lower body home workout:

[Remember: no matter which format you choose, you’ll do each exercise as hard as you can for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, then move on to the next exercise.]

Tabata #1

  • Bodyweight squats
  • Calf raises against wall
  • Forward lunge (alternating legs)
  • Wall sit
  • Bodyweight squats
  • Calf raises against wall
  • Forward lunge (alternating legs)
  • Wall sit

Tabata #2

  • Forward lunge
  • 3- Point elevated calf raise (toes forward)
  • Forward lunge
  • 3-point elevated calf raise (toes inward)
  • Forward lunge
  • 3-point elevated calf raise (toes outward)
  • Forward lunge
  • Calf raise against wall

Tabata #3

  • Side lunge
  • Wall sit
  • Calf raise against wall
  • Bodyweight squat
  • Side lunge
  • Wall sit
  • Calf raise against wall
  • Bodyweight squat

Again, you can mix and match to your desire. Whatever you choose, you’re sure to be sore afterward!

Option #5: Quick draw!

Now, this one takes a couple minutes of preparation, but it’s definitely one of the most fun ways to exercise. We recommend doing this with a friend or group because it’s even more fun with others.

Write each exercise 3 times on separate pieces of paper. Fold them up and drop them in a hat. Then, pick out one at a time and perform the exercise written on the paper.

You may find yourself finishing a set of bodyweight squats and hoping to draw the calf raises so you get a break from working the quadriceps so hard, only to pull another set of squats… so choose wisely!

Perform the same number of reps as you would in with the “straight sets” or “circuit” options:

  • Bodyweight squats: 10
  • Forward lunge: 6/leg
  • Calf raise against wall: 12/leg
  • Side lunge: 6/leg
  • Wall sit: 30 seconds
  • 3-point elevated calf raise: 10/position

If that’s too easy or too difficult, feel free to adjust your number of reps. Good luck!

If you’ve got any other ideas for a great lower body home workout, let us know in the comments!


The post Amazing Lower Body Home Workouts you Can Do Now appeared first on Body Weight And Calisthenics Exercises & Workouts.

from Body Weight And Calisthenics Exercises & Workouts

Mortgage Rate Outlook for Monday, October 31, 2016

Bonds got beat up again last week.  Yields on 10-year Treasuries began the week around 1.75%,  rose as high as 1.88%, and are now hovering around 1.84%.  Mortgage bonds followed suit, and by the end of the week, mortgage rates were close to five month highs.  The sell-off impacted bonds globally, and was the largest retreat in bond prices since 2013.  The root causes for the sell-off were better-than anticipated domestic economic data, signs that inflation is picking up, and the anticipation that central bankers will begin to tighten monetary policy in advance of nascent inflationary pressures.  Will this trend continue this week?  More after the jump…

Click here to get today’s latest mortgage rates.

The rate outlook:

In no particular order, the most likely influences on the market this week are likely to be the U.S. jobs report on Friday, the Fed meeting that concludes on Wednesday (the Bank of Japan, Bank of England, and Reserve Bank of Australia also meet this week), and of course, the interminable slog that is the U.S. Presidential Election.

  • The chances of a hike at the Fed meeting this week are low.  The prices of Fed Fund futures imply just a 6.2% probability of a hike.  The implied odds of a hike in December are 73.3%.  It was always very unlikely there would be a hike in December due to the proximity to the U.S. election and the Fed’s desire to be seen as apolitical.  I don’t think we’ll see a great change in the Fed statement itself.  The rise in yields over the past few weeks is due at least in part to a December hike being baked into the price of bonds.  The Fed doesn’t really need to prepare the market or commit itself to a hike in December, as the market already expects it.
  • I don’t have a good feel for what the other central banks will do, but if any of them appear to be ready to reduce stimulus measures, we are likely to see yields continue to climb.  It’s worth being aware there is some risk here.
  • The October jobs data is probably going to be somewhat of a non-event, given that a rate hike is widely anticipated in December.  Unless we see a truly terrible or outstanding print, I doubt the markets’ perception of the probability of a hike in December changes.  The consensus expectation is for +178k jobs, and a slight bump in average hourly earnings.
  • That brings us to… the election.  The polls seemed to have narrowed after the most recent email revelations, particularly in several battleground states.  Hillary Clinton is still the odds on favorite to win the election.  That said, the unanticipated outcome of the Brexit vote is still fresh in everyone’s memory – as is the collective freak-out that happened in its wake.  From a market perspective, I think it is fairly safe to say that a Hillary Clinton presidency represents a continuation of the status quo, whereas a Donald Trump presidency is a complete unknown.  So even if there is a small chance that Trump wins, that possibility, and the complete uncertainty that follows should be weighing heavily on the minds of all market participants.
  • Last thing about the election – as you likely know, Trump has not said that he will accept the outcome of the election if he does not win.  Come November 9th, I don’t know that the outcome of the election will be settled.  If we get into some kind of Bush-Gore 2000 situation, but with only 8 Supreme Court members, I have no idea what will happen.  It probably won’t be good for anybody, though.

So what’s the takeaway?  Rates have been trending up since mid-summer.  Barring something unexpected, we will likely see rates continue to move higher as inflation gets returns to normal and the Fed tightens monetary policy.  Lots of assumptions in that last statement, but I think that is the most probable scenario.  I’d advise people shopping for a mortgage to attempt to lock down a rate sooner rather than later.

It’s time to see if you can save money. Contact us now.

from Total Mortgage Underwritings Blog

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Starting a T-Shirt Business the Right Way

Are you a graphic designer or entrepreneur with a good graphic designer, and want to use that talent to incorporate into an awesome T Shirt business?  Designing a t-shirt is much like painting on a blank canvas or drawing on a fresh sheet of paper.   For the most part you have the freedom to do what you’d like.  But simply putting graphics on a shirt does not mean you have a solid business plan.  Here are some tips that might help new entrepreneurs.

Plan your business

Thinking about and having a solid plan should be your first step prior to launching your business.  Don’t jump on your inspirations too fast.  Let your ideas soak in.  There are tons of shirt businesses out there.  Think of a good name, good brand, good designs, creating a fancy, good performing website, and a niche or niches that if you were the customer, would want to buy.

Think of a good brand

Your brand is a reflection of your business and the products you create.  Think hard about your logo and a catchy name for your business.  Give it some meaning, something others will remember.

Set your brand apart from the rest.  Whether it be your graphics or the high quality material or printing in your shirts, give your products traits that set you apart and give you something to brag about.

Your website should be as awesome as your designs

Choose a good web designer and ensure that your host is optimized in performance and security.  An online store should be easy to use, secure, emphasize your products, and make things easy to find.  Categorize your genres and display your most popular items.  Performance-wise, images should load quickly, and checkout should be seamless.  No one likes a website with bugs or one that might hang on checkout.  Something as simple but annoying as that can deter any potential customers.


An online store should be easy to use, secure, emphasize your products, and make things easy to find.  Credit:

Information about your company, a return policy, and contact information, are all important for building trust with your customer and giving your business some additional credibility.


Quality in your work and in your t shirts is important for gaining return customers.  If you deliver a great product with nice packaging, it can help with gaining regular customers.

Good packaging can also make an item appear to be worth more.  Find nicely fitting shirts and a good t shirt printer that can print your graphics to last through many washes.

Offer other products besides t shirts

You might want to supplement your product line with other accessories or printable items.  Graphics can work well on other mediums as they do t shirts.  For example, pillows, stickers, posters, etc.  Experiment and see what your customers gravitate to.

Good Pricing

As with any product, a competitively or low priced product is important for customers.  If you are new to the t shirt business and have not yet built a brand for yourself, nor have an audience, you might consider specials for your products, like free shipping or buy 2 get 1 free.  Deals and promotions can be attractive for upselling and getting new or repeat business.

Focus on what works

Focus on your strengths and what tends to be popular in your business.  For example, if your niche is in movie graphics and movie t shirts, focus on more of those designs.  Think of clever movie phrases and slogans.  If these phrase require permission, find out what it would take to license them.

Learn from mistakes

You don’t really know how your brand is going to do.  Analyze performance and tweak your operations to focus on what is effective.  Gravitate to what works in social media and what your audience wants to see and likes.

Originally posted 2016-08-29 17:45:55. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

The post Starting a T-Shirt Business the Right Way appeared first on Information Technology Blog.

from Information Technology Blog

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Bruins By The Numbers: This Week’s Good and Bad

It’s really been a tale of two goalies for the Bruins so far this season. Well, even though they have used four to date. So far, they’ve been a different team with Tuukka Rask in net, going undefeated in three games, but winless in four with three other bodies between the pipes. The last week [...]

The post Bruins By The Numbers: This Week’s Good and Bad appeared first on Boston Sports Then & Now.

from Boston Sports Then & Now

Happy Trails, Really I Mean It: An Open Letter To Claude Julien

  Dear Claude (Or is it Handsome Ralph), First off, I want to thank you. Thank you for being instrumental in bringing the Stanley Cup back to Boston in 2011. This was greatest sports highlight of my 43 plus years on this speck of dirt, we call Earth. Yes, bigger than the Patriots first Super [...]

The post Happy Trails, Really I Mean It: An Open Letter To Claude Julien appeared first on Boston Sports Then & Now.

from Boston Sports Then & Now

Friday, October 28, 2016

Hawthorne by Pennyfarthing – An Elite Collection of 44 Luxury Cambie Condos

Hawthorne project banner.

At a Glance

  • 7-storey residential concrete building
  • 44 1- to 3-bedroom condominiums
  • 3 levels of underground parking
  • prime Queen Elizabeth Park location
  • minutes from Oakridge Centre shopping
  • easy access to Canada Line
  • goal of LEED gold rating

Rendering of Hawthorne west elevation.

Above All Else
Pennyfarthing Homes rises to new heights on Vancouver’s West Side with the introduction of Hawthorne, an elite collection of 1- to 3-bedroom residences adjacent to Queen Elizabeth Park on Cambie Street. Hawthorne redefines modern luxury living through progressive architecture, finely crafted interiors, and exceptionally sized floor plans. Rising seven storeys, above all else, Hawthorne will be home to a limited few.

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  • Should be Empty:

Hawthorne’s superb Westside location provides you with convenient access to all your daily needs. Just a short walk along Cambie at Oakridge, find grocery shopping at Kin’s Farmers Market and Safeway, banks, a pharmacy, post office, public library, telecom providers, medical centre, cafes, restaurants, Hudson’s Bay department store, home decor stores, travel agencies, boutique shopping, and specialty shops. For your recreational needs, there’s skating, swimming, and a gym at Hillcrest Community Centre. Steps away at Queen Elizabeth Park, enjoy a stroll through its lush gardens, exercise your pet at the dog park, play a game of tennis, or hit the links for a round of golf. At Hawthorne, live the high life.

Pricing for Hawthorne
As this project is in pre-construction, Pennyfarthing has not yet released pricing information. However, given the success of Pennyfarthing’s other Cambie Corridor projects, we expect Hawthorne will sell out quickly. Don’t miss out! Sign up to our VIP list above.

Floor Plans for Hawthorne
Final floor plans have not yet been made public. Nevertheless, we know there will be a family-friendly mix of 11 1-bedroom, 21 2-bedroom, and 12 3-bedroom homes. Ground floor residences will all have private patios and the three top floor homes have private rooftop decks. Average home sizes range from 680 to 1,433 sq ft.

Amenities at Hawthorne
Residents will have shared use of a ground floor amenity room with a patio, small kitchen, and washroom. There will also be a shared rooftop deck.

Parking and Storage
Hawthorne will offer three levels of underground parking accessed from the lane. There will be 51 vehicle spaces with two handicapped spots and space for 61 bicycles with 11 lockers and 12 vertical stalls. Thirty-four homes will have in-suite storage, while 13 will have in-room storage.

Maintenance Fees at Hawthorne
Will be released with pricing information.

Developer Team for Hawthorne
Since its formation in 1980, Pennyfarthing Homes has fulfilled the home ownership dreams of nearly 3,000 home buyers throughout the Lower Mainland, Washington State, and California, all the while setting exacting standards of integrity, reliability and professionalism. Following on Bennington House and Grayson, this is Pennyfarthing’s third development in the Cambie Corridor.

To design Hawthorne, Pennyfarthing has chosen Shift Architecture. Shift is a high-performance practice with a track record of respected, inspired projects throughout Vancouver and the Lower Mainland. With proven expertise in multi-family housing, Shift boasts a diverse portfolio of residential, commercial, healthcare, and mixed-use developments. Renowned for its collaborative design process, Shift’s team of core personnel draws upon a deep collective well of experience spanning decades.

Cristina Oberti, a respected interior designer whose name is well-known in Vancouver, will be applying her extensive knowledge and systematic design process to create a unified look and coherent design for Hawthorne that conveys a unique and coherent, yet stylish message.

Expected Completion for Hawthorne
To be announced. Sales start in early 2017.

Are you interested in learning more about other homes in the Cambie Corridor, Kerrisdale, or Southeast False Creek?

Check out these great Cambie Corridor Presales!

The post Hawthorne by Pennyfarthing – An Elite Collection of 44 Luxury Cambie Condos appeared first on Mike Stewart Real Estate Specialist 604-763-3136.

from Blog – Mike Stewart Real Estate Specialist 604-763-3136

How to Find the Best Candy Houses on Halloween

As I discussed in my blog on the top costumes of 2016 according to Google Trends, Halloween is about two things: costumes and candy. While some trick or treaters aim to get praise for their creative costumes, most Halloween goals revolve around candy.

Often times kids will measure the success of their Halloween haul by how many pounds of candy they collected, but as my seventh grade social studies teacher often preached, “Quality is better than quantity.”

After all, no one wants 10lbs of peanuts, pretzels, and candy corn. So to make sure you get the tastiest of treats this Halloween, here are four tips to help you find the best candy houses.

1. They have great decorations halloween house decorations

If a household is willing to transform their front yard into an eerily perfect haunted graveyard, there’s a good chance that they’re going to put in the extra effort with their candy. I’m not saying that there’s always a direct relationship between the amount of decorations and the quality of the candy, but it’s true enough to warrant an investigation of any house with more than just a few jack o lanterns.

2. Lots of kids are going there

I understand that you don’t know what you’re going to get until you walk up to the door, but if a house is flooded with trick or treaters, I’d be willing to bet that they aren’t serving up fun size granola bars. The key here is to hone in on the details; use all of your senses to try and get a read on the crowd. Are they excitedly skipping down from the front steps? Do you hear high pitched giggles? Smiling faces are the surest sign, but with masks, makeup, and the dark of night, you can’t always count on visual clues.

3. Talk to other trick or treaters

It might seem a little odd to engage in a conversation with a masked stranger, but talking to other trick or treaters is the ultimate way to ensure you are hitting all of the top candy houses. Maybe try breaking the ice with a comment about their costume. After that, you could get the candy conversation going by talking about one of the best houses you’ve visited so far. Stepping outside of your comfort zone is definitely worth the satisfaction you will feel when you have a pillow case filled to the brim with king sized candy bars. Who knows, you might even make some new friends.

4. Use an Apptrick or treaters

For the technologically advanced, you can check out the app Nextdoor, which allows neighbors to post about their surrounding houses. There’s probably not going to be information on every single house, but it’s worth looking into if you’re really trying to cover all of your angles. You could even get some good karma by posting about the houses you’ve gone to.

Bottom Line

Using a little common sense and some critical thinking will go a long way when you’re out on the candy hunt. Just be safe out there, and after you’ve chowed down on your seemingly endless supply of quality treats—make sure to brush your teeth!


Photos via residencestyle and zliving.

from Total Mortgage Underwritings Blog

Keep it Simple: 4 Effective Emails for Marketers

When you are thinking about email marketing you may confuse about inundate information all over the internet.

Here are some of tips that may help you create an effective email marketing campaign.

Welcome emails

A welcome email is the first friendly exchange between your business and new subscriber. One easy way to do that is to offer a quick “perks list” which tells subscribers why joining your email list was a great idea. Second create effective clean look and a clear call to action.


Newsletter is a great way to establish your brands personality and build  trustworthy relationship with your customer. Tell potential subscribers exactly what will be in the newsletter as well as how often they should expect to hear from you. Keep your design and copy minimal, because not everyone like to read all day.

Promotional and Discount Email

There are many benefits to using email as a promotional. Promotional emails are one of the simplest and effective marketing tool, which help you announce a new product, new deals and new discount.

Reengagement Campaigns

Sometimes your remain subscribed could be seriously hurting your email engagement rates, when putting you in danger of being flagged as Spam. The most successful re-engagement campaigns will typically re-activate about 10 percent of inactive subscribers. If some inactive subscribers still don’t respond at all, don’t be afraid and remove inactives from your list.

The post Keep it Simple: 4 Effective Emails for Marketers appeared first on Information Technology Blog.

from Information Technology Blog

What Makes Up The Best IP Cameras On The Market?

Are you shopping around for the best IP cameras you can find on the Internet? Here are a few of the more important features and functions you should be taking note of

264 Compression – an oft-overlooked feature in the top IP cameras is the ability to code video in a way that is high-quality and pretty compatible with all sorts of file containers yet is still small enough to work well on modest amounts of storage space. This is why the best IP cameras use H.264 compression to encode their videos.

PTZ – the top IP cams usually come with pan-tilt-zoom or PTZ features. The ability to remotely control where the camera is pointed at using a device hooked up to aninternet access point is a great feature for both safety-conscious homeowners and security crews manning the surveillance cameras of a large compound.

HD Resolution – the best IP cameras record videos with at least a 720presolution. You can go even higher, all the way up to 1080p with most models, but 720p is the HD standard for footage that can visibly capture finer details like plate numbers, facial features and small objects being carried around.

IR Capabilities –effective IP cameras come with infrared or IR capabilities that allow them to effectively capture video even in low-light conditions. This night vision capability of the digital camera allows them to protect your home or establishment not only in the day but at night, when most unscrupulous folks come out under the cover of darkness.

PIR Capabilities – if infrared is for night vision, then passive infrared or PIR is for detecting motion. The best IP cams come with PIR scanning that can trigger a range of actions when someone or something moves on-screen, from activating the record feature to sending an alert to your phone or computer that something fishy is going on.

Weatherproofed – all the cool IP cameras in the world won’t be worth a dime if they can’t even stand up to rain, sun, wind and dirt. The top IP cameras designed for extreme environments have an IP or International Protection rating of 68 – completely sealed from dust and water. A rating of IP 34, however, is decent enough for standard use.

Android/iOS Support – sure, you can use the browser on your phone to access your IP camera. The best IP cameras, however, come with apps for Android and iOS that streamline the whole process. This makes it a lot easier and less of a hassle to check up on the feed of your surveillance system on your mobile devices. Just make sure you scan these apps with an anti virus – especially if you don’t get them straight from the Google Play Store, the iTunes store or the manufacturer’s website.

ONVIF Compliance – the top IP cameras comply with standards set by the Open Network Video Interface Forum (ONVIF) for gadgets. These standards ensure greater compatibility with the devices from over 200 other companies – allowing the cameras to work seamlessly with a wider array of TVs, monitors and DVRs.

Healthy warranty – never overlook how much a good warranty helps out – which is why the best IP cameras come with coverage for at least 12 months. This ensures that you’ll have plenty of time to protect you from factory defects mucking up your surveillance system.

Keep all these in mind, and you’ll be able to know what features to expect from the best IP cameras in the market!

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Originally posted 2015-04-03 17:13:36. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

The post What Makes Up The Best IP Cameras On The Market? appeared first on Information Technology Blog.

from Information Technology Blog

Top 3 Free MP3 Music Download Sites

There are a lot of songs that are being uploaded on the Internet every day. Most of these songs are uploaded by well known artists but there are also some independent artists who upload their songs in the hopes that they will be discovered. Other people just like to showcase their talent to the world and they do not care much for fame and fortune.

No matter what people’s reasons are for uploading different songs, the fact still remains that people cannot live without music. People listen to music every day whether they intend to do so or not. If you would ride public transportation, you will come across someone with headphones stuck to their ears so that they can drown out the rest of the world. Perhaps you are that person who is trying to shut out the world as you listen to the songs that you love.

There are still a few free MP3 music download sites that are available. These sites will allow you to download music free of charge. You can enjoy different songs without paying for anything. It can be enough to make you feel positive even for just a short while. Here are just a few of the MP3 music download sites that you should not miss:


You may know YouTube as the site wherein you watch different videos but you can actually get good MP3 from YouTube if you know exactly what to do. What you have to do is to search for another MP3 download site that will allow you to convert the video into MP3 before being downloaded to your device. Once you have downloaded the track, you can listen to the song whenever you want to.


This is one of the leading social sound platforms and there is a good reason for this: it will allow people to create various sounds and share it to the rest of the world. If you are an artist who would like to share your own song covers, this is the best application for you. At the same time, you can also download songs that other people have made. If you are searching for songs that are made by real artists though, they may be a bit hard to find through this platform.

Free Music Archive

It is evident from its name that it offers free music that you can listen to and download. Admittedly, it does not have as many song choices and options like the other websites that are mentioned above but it has a decent selection that you can still enjoy. They also offer details on the music release of different songs made by popular artists.

No matter which music site you would choose, you can be sure that you will have a grand time with downloading the songs that you want. It will be even more fun to listen to these songs once the songs are readily available on your device.

Where do you get your new songs? 


The post Top 3 Free MP3 Music Download Sites appeared first on Information Technology Blog.

from Information Technology Blog

Current Mortgage Rates for Friday, October 28, 2016

Welcome to the Total Mortgage Current Mortgage Rates Blog. There’s some economic data out today, but first, your daily mortgage rate forecast/advice.

Click here to get today’s latest mortgage rates.

Where are mortgage rates going?

A very solid GDP report is keeping long term treasury yields up around six month highs this morning. The yield on the 10-year treasury note is currently trading around 1.85%. That’s a height not reached since May. Just one month it was sitting below 1.60%.

Typically, mortgage rates follow in the footsteps of the 10-year yield. This week wasn’t quite the norm, though, with the Freddie Mac Private Mortgage Market Survey (PMMS) showing on Thursday that mortgage rates declined from the previous week’s positions.

The average rate on a 30-year fixed rate mortgage fell five basis points down to 3.47% (0.6 points); the average rate on a 15-year fixed rate mortgage slid one basis point to 2.78% (0.5 points); and the average rate on a 5-year ARM ticked down one basis point to 2.84% (0.4 points).

As with nearly every economic report, the PMMS is a lagging indicator. Most of the data for the report is collected early on in the week, and it certainly isn’t reflecting the strength we are seeing right now after the GDP report. While mortgage rates may have dipped down in the PMMS, I’d be willing to bet that they have climbed back above 3.50% right now. All things considered, that’s still very low.

current mortgage rates

Rates are still near record lows. Contact us today to see if we can save you money on your home payments.

The Fed Fund futures is staying strong as we head into the weekend, giving the Fed’s December meeting a 78.5% chance of a rate hike. With Hillary Clinton looking more and more likely to win the presidential election, it seems that Janet Yellen will keep her job, which also plays into the December rate hike scenario. It’s always important to understand that while the Federal Funds rate does influence mortgage rates, a quarter point raise is not going to send them surging higher.

What does this mean for me?

Mortgage rates went on an up and down roller coaster ride this week and are heading into the weekend just about where they were last weekend. That’s not necessarily a bad thing for borrowers, as rates are still only around twenty basis points from all-time lows. If you’re on the market for a purchase or a refinance, right now is a good time to do it, but I would recommend acting sooner rather than later.

Click here to get today’s latest mortgage rates.

Today’s economic data:

GDP is best in over two years

The first estimate of third quarter GDP came in at a surprisingly robust 2.9%. For an economy that grew just over 1% in the first two quarters, this report is a serious improvement. An increase in exports and inventories helped drive the headline reading up. The Fed will definitely be pleased with this report. Next up on their radar is the October jobs report, which gets released next Friday.

Consumer Sentiment

Consumer sentiment is at 87.2 for October. That’s the lowest level since October 2014. This report certainly doesn’t align with the GDP report.

Notable events this week:                          


  • Fedspeak


  • S&P Case-Shiller HPI
  • Consumer Confidence
  • Fedspeak


  • International Trade
  • New Home Sales
  • EIA Petroleum Status Report


  • Durable Goods Orders
  • Jobless Claims


  • GDP
  • Consumer Sentiment

Rates are still near record lows.  Contact us today to see if we can save you money on your home payments.

from Total Mortgage Underwritings Blog

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Contessa at Queen Elizabeth Park – Spacious Cambie Corridor Presale Luxury Condos

External rendering of Contessa by GBL Architects.

At a Glance

  • exceptional Cambie Corridor location
  • 3 laneway townhouses
  • 45 1- to 3-bedroom condominiums
  • short walk to Queen Elizabeth Park
  • upscale Oakridge Centre shopping
  • Signature BC Liquor Store
  • Hillcrest Community Centre
  • Canada Line rapid transit station

Spacious Luxury on the Westside
Pure West Property Investments, in partnership with GBL Architects, bring you Contessa at Queen Elizabeth Park, the latest luxury development in the hot Cambie Corridor district. With roomy condominium and townhouse residences ranging from one to three bedrooms, Contessa is ideally suited to families that appreciate the advantages and conveniences of modern urban living. Nearby schools, recreation, and shopping mean you can enjoy a healthier lifestyle from walking and cycling to meet your everyday needs.

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  • Should be Empty:

Situated on the corner of West 37th Avenue and Cambie Street, Contessa’s outstanding location allows you to easily enjoy the lush beauty of Queen Elizabeth Park’s manicured gardens and its numerous leisure activities, such as golf, disc golf, tennis, lawn bowling, and tai chi; or bring your children to Hillcrest Community Centre for baseball, skating, soccer, swimming, and more! Just two blocks away, take care of your grocery shopping at Kin’s Farmers Market and Safeway in Oakridge Centre, then stop off on the way home at Vancouver’s largest Signature BC Liquor Store for the perfect wine to pair with dinner. For endless shopping and dining options, the Oakridge Canada Line station is your express ticket to Vancouver city centre and downtown Richmond. At Contessa, experience the quality of life from human-centred urban design.

Pricing for Contessa at Queen Elizabeth Park
Pure West Property has not yet published pricing information. We recommend interested buyers sign up to our VIP list above to ensure priority notification of new developments. We expect Contessa to be very attractive with buyers due to its liveability and prime location.

Floor Plans for Contessa at Queen Elizabeth Park
As this project is in pre-construction, floor plans have not yet been released. However, we do know there will be three laneway townhomes with private patios, courtyard main entrances, and rooftop terraces with green privacy buffers. The six-storey mid-rise consists of 18 1-bedroom, 19 2-bedroom, and eight 3-bedroom condominiums. A variety of expansive floor plans, with or without dens, range from 608 to 1,177 sq ft. Ground floor homes each have their own private, landscaped patios, while top floor homes have individual rooftop terraces.

Amenities at Contessa at Queen Elizabeth Park
Contessa residents will enjoy a lushly-landscaped outdoor plaza with shaded seating and a children’s play area. At the southern end are community plots for urban agriculture that take advantage of exposure to the sun. A shared rooftop patio offers a warming fire pit with comfortable lounge seating and a communal dining area with all the necessary outdoor cooking amenities.

Parking and Storage
Contessa will provide residents with 51 vehicle stalls and 60 bicycle lockers in two levels of underground parking. Bicycle racks in front of the main building entrance will also be available to visitors. Each townhouse will have its own private underground parking space with direct entry into each residence. Most homes have in-suite storage; five have their own secure storage in the parkade.

Maintenance Fees at Contessa at Queen Elizabeth Park
Will be included with pricing information when available.

Developer Team for Contessa at Queen Elizabeth Park
Pure West Property Investments chose acclaimed GBL Architects to design Contessa at Queen Elizabeth Park. GBL is a progressive Vancouver-based firm of 38 architects, project managers and technicians with a 25-year reputation of providing a full range of architectural services to the private and public sector. GBL design with the belief that form plays a vital role in defining experience through an ever-changing dynamic between sculptural artistry and social responsibility. No stranger to the Cambie Corridor, GBL’s other projects in the neighbourhood include Homei Properties’ Henry at 5389 Cambie, Transca Development’s Primrose, and The Regent at 523 West King Edward.

Expected Completion for Contessa at Queen Elizabeth Park
To be determined.

Are you interested in learning more about other homes in the Cambie Corridor, Mount Pleasant, or Kerrisdale?

Check out these great Cambie Corridor Presales!

The post Contessa at Queen Elizabeth Park – Spacious Cambie Corridor Presale Luxury Condos appeared first on Mike Stewart Real Estate Specialist 604-763-3136.

from Blog – Mike Stewart Real Estate Specialist 604-763-3136

Best Quadcopter Camera Drones of 2016-2017

Quadcopters and flying cameras are one of the most exciting inventions in modern times and rapidly becoming mainstream. The drone continues to evolve with speed, stability, portability and price. Here are some of our current and upcoming favorite quadcopter camera drones for 2016-2017.

GoPro Karma Drone

The GoPro Karma Drone is a fold up drone with removable gimble that can also be used in a handheld battery grip and is attractive for adventure seekers who need to pack lightly. It’s compatible with the Hero 4 Black and Silver which can save current owners some money. We like this drone for the price and portability, as well as all the great functionality that go with GoPro cameras. Released October 2016

DJI Mavic Pro

The DJI Mavic Pro is a one of the most popular and appealing drones for any drone lover and has some of the best functionality of any drone.  It’s compact, has obstacle avoidance, long light times, extended range, and stabilized 4K imagery. It’s image sensor however could be improved and may not be ideal for broadcast footage.  Released September 2016

DJI Inspire 1 PRO

The DJI Inspire 1 PRO is an ideal camera for filmmakers and produces DSLR quality footage. The PRO RAW version is also available for users with stringent high production requirements.

The DJI Phantom 4 is probably one of the best selling drones in the world. It’s very portable and since it’s one of the most popular, there are many 3rd party accessories made for it. It has great 4k video quality, has great built in obstacle avoidance and active tracking. Released March 2016

Mi Drone by Xiaomi

The Mi Drone by Xiaomi is great product with a robust application that can generate routes and set up automatic takeoffs and landings. Xiaomi is known for their phones, but their expertise in software and hardware has helped bring them into the drone market. Released May 2016

Lily Drone

Lily Camera is a drone that has several features including the ability to follow its owner that will follow its owner. It has foldable propellers and has a waterproof body, so no worries if it crashes into the water. It flies by itself so there is no controller, just a tracking device that it follows. It currently has no obstacle avoidance however, only shoots in 1080p and has no removable battery, which are it’s downsides. Released May 2016

For more reviews on quadcopter and other drone categories, check out ProPhotoUAV.

The post Best Quadcopter Camera Drones of 2016-2017 appeared first on Information Technology Blog.

from Information Technology Blog

Current Mortgage Rates for Thursday, October 27, 2016

Welcome to the Total Mortgage Current Mortgage Rates Blog. There’s some economic data out today, but first, your daily mortgage rate forecast/advice.

Click here to get today’s latest mortgage rates.

Where are mortgage rates going?

Predicting which way mortgage rates will go often a frustrating endeavor. A review of the economic data this week, specifically the flat to higher yield on the U.S. 10-year treasury note, would lead one to believe that mortgage rates would have also moved flat to higher. The Freddie Mac Private Mortgage Market Survey (PMMS) revealed this morning that this was not the case.

Strangely enough, mortgage rates retreated backwards this week. The average rate on a 30-year fixed rate mortgage slipped five basis points down to 3.47% (0.6 points); the average rate on a 15-year fixed rate mortgage ticked down one basis point to 2.78% (0.5 points); and the average rate on a 5-year ARM fell one basis point to 2.84% (0.4 points).

current mortgage rates

Here is what Chief Economist at Freddie Mac, Sean Becketti, had to say about mortgage rates this week:

“Mortgage rates continue to be relatively stable and at near record lows. The 30-year fixed-rate mortgage fell 5 basis points week-over-week to 3.47 percent, erasing last week’s increase. At the same time, the 10-year Treasury yield ended the week relatively flat – up about 2 basis points.”

Rates are still near record lows. Contact us today to see if we can save you money on your home payments.

The Fed Fund futures are staying strong ahead of tomorrow’s GDP report. Right now December has a 78% chance of a rate hike taking place. Those are just about the best odds we’ve seen all year.

What does this mean for me?

Mortgage rates moved lower this week. That’s always good news for borrowers. The average rate on a 30-year fixed is now back under 3.48%, which is where it’s been for the majority of the second half of the year. All of this means that right now is a great time to act if you’re looking to refinance your current mortgage or purchase a home.

Click here to get today’s latest mortgage rates.

Today’s economic data:

Durable Goods Orders

The durable goods report this morning is showing new orders down 0.1% for September. However, that decline is offset by an upward revision of 0.03% to the previous reading. That puts the year on year change at 1.6%. Durable goods less transportation saw a 0.2% change in September, putting it flat on the yearly change. The core capital goods reading fell 1.2% in September, dropping it down to -4.1% year over year.

Jobless Claims

Applications filed for U.S. unemployment benefits came in at 258,000 for the week of 10/22. That’s down 3,000 from the previous week’s revised number. The four-week moving average is now at 253,000. Jobless claims continue to remain around historic lows.

Notable events this week:                          


  • Fedspeak


  • S&P Case-Shiller HPI
  • Consumer Confidence
  • Fedspeak


  • International Trade
  • New Home Sales
  • EIA Petroleum Status Report


  • Durable Goods Orders
  • Jobless Claims


  • GDP
  • Consumer Sentiment

Rates are still near record lows.  Contact us today to see if we can save you money on your home payments.

from Total Mortgage Underwritings Blog

Top Halloween Costumes of 2016 According to Google Trends   

Halloween may have started as an ancient Celtic festival to ward off wandering spirits, but there’s no denying that today it’s about two things: costumes and candy. While the candy generally stays the same, every year there are a handful of new costumes that rise to the forefront of the public’s consciousness. So if you’re looking for a last minute idea or are just costume curious, here are the top costumes of 2016 according to Google Trends.

Top 5 searched Halloween costumes

Here are the most popular costumes for trick or treaters heading out on a solo mission.

5. Wonder Woman

She’s female and she’s alliterative—that’s a killer combination in my book. It’s possible that she’s in the top five because of the upcoming 2017 film, but it’s hard to say for sure.

4. Pirate

Lots of trick or treaters are looking to score some booty this Halloween, which makes this classic costume a no-brainer. It’s simple, effective, and you can respond to anything someone says to you with “Argg!”

3. Superheroharley quinn costume

The generic superhero costume has long been a Halloween staple, and I imagine it will continue to do so for years to come. All you need is a cape and some spandex, and you’re good to go.

2. Joker

The Suicide Squad may have flopped at the box office, but it’s crushing the costume game this Halloween. The Joker takes the number two spot, with his creepy pale complexion and long purple overcoat.

1. Harley Quinn

Harley Quinn wins the top spot this Halloween. She’s the anti-hero and girlfriend to the Joker in the Suicide Squad. Aside from the outfit (which can be purchased at most retail costume stores), getting the blonde pigtails down is key.

Top 5 searched Halloween couple costumes

If you have a special someone or a partner in crime, these costume ideas are for you.

5. ‘80s couple

From bright neon colors to crazy spandex leggings, the ‘80s was kind of a freak show, making it the perfect throwback decade for Halloween.

4. Vampire couple

Vampires are vintage Halloween. With their Gothic Victorian looks, they’re the perfect combination of spooky and stylish.

3. Sandy and Dannythe purge couple costume

For couples who are looking to tear it up on the dance floor, Sandy and Danny might be your best bet. All you need are some sleek black outfits and lots of hair gel.

2. Bonnie and Clyde

These iconic American criminals are a perennial Halloween costume couple. Fortunately for you, this bank robbing duo had style.

1. Purge couple

Apparently, if you make a bad movie, there’s a good chance the characters will be a hit on Halloween. That was the case with Suicide Squad and now with The Purge: Election Year, which has claimed the #1 spot for couples.


Photos via Refinery29 and Pinterest

from Total Mortgage Underwritings Blog