Sunday, October 16, 2016

What if your Camera Security System Itself is Not Secured?

Though a camera security system is installed to pare down the risk of burglaries and protect family and business assets from criminals. Home automation, alarm systems, Wi-Fi home surveillance systems are the powerful technologies that apart from protecting our possessions, also raising the standard of living. Auto-activation of the alarm system when someone tries to march into your home, automatic door locks and there many other features of home security systems that can keep you free from worries when you are gone. With a Wi-Fi home surveillance system, you can access the footage of any camera installed in your home or office.

If you wonder how a real-time footage from Wi-Fi home surveillance system can be a savior act for you, imagine a situation in which your property is intruded and you are not there to safeguard it. However, when you have seen the intruder and you have automatic door locks; you can remotely lock the intruder in your home and call the police after re. Real-time remote monitoring is indeed the best feature of modern security camera surveillance systems. However, you cannot take a sigh of relief if the home security system itself is not secure.

Security Camera System Vulnerability

It is like a double-edged sword of Damocles hanging over your head. Be it a traditional or a cloud-based video system, it is vulnerable and can be exploited by tech savvy person with evil intentions. It can put your home, office, data and even life at risk. Your internet security system should be protected from physical and cyber attack.

Cyber Attack

With some simple hacking tools and tricks, a hacker can gain the access to the security system, deactivate alarm system and disconnect the internet. It means no real-time footage and no notifications. Even the mobile app installed in your Smartphone can be hacked. It is also revealed in studies that the camera – app combination is vulnerable to a wide range cyber attacks especially when a weak encryption algorithm is used. After hijacking the security camera system, the attacker can easily get away with your valuables.

Physical Attack

If cameras, wires, routers and other components are detectable, the security system is prone to physical attack. The intruder can break cameras and cut wires to paralyze the entire system. A physical attack can be foiled by installing covert wireless cameras and routers.

Tips for Protecting the Internet Camera System

There are some simple tricks and techniques that can protect your security camera system from cyber attacks.

Strong Password
By setting a weak password, you are actually giving the key of your home to a thief. The modern hi-tech security camera systems enforce strong password. A strong password has a minimum length and it is a combination of numbers, upper case, lower case, and symbols. However, any guessable password is a weak password even if the system accepts it as a strong password.

Secure Router
In a Wi-Fi camera video surveillance system, a router is an important component. Here are some simple and helpful tips for protecting Wi-Fi router from hacking:

  • Say no to default network names. Use strong SSID network names.
  • Enable Wi-Fi Protected Access
  • Use Logging Feature
  • Protect the Router with Firewall
  • Use Strong Password
  • Use VPN
  • Turn off Universal Plug and Play protocol

Install an Anti-Virus
Install antivirus software and keep it updated. Firewall, intrusion detection system and antivirus are helpful in detecting and removing threats like malware and viruses. It also projects sensitive files from getting corrupted due to malicious programs.

Encryption might not be a new term for you. The importance of encryption is already known to you. However, the strength of the encryption algorithm is the most important aspect of the encryption. A message encrypted with a weak algorithm can be easily decrypted.

Do Not Connect To the Public Wi-Fi
When you are accessing your home security system remotely, it is always recommended to connect using a secured network only. If you are accessing the system remotely using a public Wi-Fi, you are subjecting it to hackers. You are putting personal information like username, email id and password to risk.

Change Password
Never use the same password for long. Most of the Hi-Tech systems enforce a unique password every time, a password that is never used earlier. However, if your system does not enforce the same, you should use a unique password ever time. Do not share the password with anyone, not even with your kids.

Keep an Eye on Camera Logs
Keeping a check on logs is helpful in protecting the system from being hacked. With logs, you can find out when and using what IP address, someone tried to hack your system or the mobile app.

Keep the System Updated
Companies providing home security systems have special research and development to continuously enhance the performance and safety of their products by adding new features.

By implementing these simple tips and tricks, you can easily outwit hackers. You are safe when the camera security system is secured.

Gord Harrison is a technical expert at Select Security Systems Ltd. He has been in this industry when modern CCTV cameras and video surveillance systems were newly introduced in the market and that is why he knows most of the Hi-Tech CCTV cameras and video surveillance systems from inside out.

Originally posted 2016-08-15 04:08:18. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

The post What if your Camera Security System Itself is Not Secured? appeared first on Information Technology Blog.

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