Friday, September 30, 2016

10 Lessons I Learned After Moving To California


Its been one year since my family and I moved to California.

When we started this journey we didn’t know a single soul here. It was a leap of faith. A lot has happened since then and I thought it was about time to update my Shot of Adrenaline family on the more personal side of Bodyweight Todd’s life. 😉

I once heard a great man say, “When climbing the steps of success, it is important to often stop, turn around and see how far you’ve come. This helps create the drive to continue on because you realize how far you’ve come.”

With this said, consider this post to be me turning around, stopping and reflecting on the lessons learned over the last year of my life. I hope that you’ll find value for your own life as you pursue your own version of greatness.

Top 10 Lessons Learned After Moving To California

  1. On the plane to California!

    On the plane to California!

    You Can Not Discover New Oceans Unless You Have The Courage To Lose Sight Of The Shore ” – Andrew Gide

Growth occurs when you are stretched. This picture to the right is of Allison, Emma and Landen as we were flying from the only home we ever knew to a city 2,322 miles away, San Jose, California.

We left the comfort of family, friends, and church.


We felt called by God.

When you have a calling, a vision, a dream… pursue it. Believe that things will work out. Step out in faith. No man has ever found new oceans without losing sight of the shores of comfort.

Christmas 2015

Christmas 2015

2. “Everyone needs a house to live in, but a supportive family is what builds a home.” – Anthony Liccione

After moving to California, both Allison and I were deeply lonely. It was difficult to make real connections. By the time Christmas rolled around both of us felt isolated and home sick. Normally, Christmas is filled with family traditions and large get-togethers.

This last year, we celebrated Christmas with just the four of us. It was hard but we relied on each other and we grew from the experience.

It taught me that you can create your own family traditions and start anew. It taught me that you can feel at home wherever your family is, as long as you support and love each other.

3. “As you grow older, you learn a few things. One of them is to actually take the time you’ve allotted for vacation.” – John Battelle

screen-shot-2016-09-30-at-10-24-15-pmFor vacation this year we went to Yosemite. We went in the Spring time and it was incredible. There where beautiful waterfalls and hiking.

The picture to the right was taken just before a majestic bald eagle flew within 20 feet of us then soared off to perch on one of the distant trees.

Now that we live in Silicon Valley, we experience a pace that is much faster than Grand Rapids. Entrepreneurs and professionals buzz all around us striving to create wealth, disrupt marketplaces and make a name for themselves.

But I ask, “At what cost?”

Often times we get swept away by what the world tells us is important. But we forget that this life is also a gift for us to enjoy.

Our trip to Yosemite was a gentle reminder to stop… and enjoy the moment.

screen-shot-2016-09-30-at-10-24-33-pm4. “Like timidity, bravery is also contagious.” Munshi Premchand

Emma is typically our very timid little girl. She will measure twice and cut once. She moves slowly to make decisions and is truly the definition of “cautious”.

That’s why it was so surprising when we brought her to the dentist for the first time. Even though it was new and a bit scary she showed bravery and it made us so proud.

Why is bravery contagious? Because it dispells unfounded fear. I believe fear is most often unfounded. Fear is believing lies that things will not be alright. Its sad that some people live their lives in fear. But bravery can be contagious because it kills fear and allows the human spirit to rise up and achieve great things.

And isn’t that what we were made to do?

Emma with Brad Castleber

Emma with Brad Castleber

5. “You couldn’t have strength without weakness…” – Jodi Picoult

In the last month, I have been learning the importance of weakness. When I first started my journey into the arena of “success” I believed the lie that success depended upon me.

I had to make myself a “self-made man” and learn more, do more, achieve more.

Now, I realize that true strength, lies within weakness.

There is a power that can live in and through you if you choose to surrender. To stop the fight. To rest.

A coach of mine used this analogy to describe true surrender… “There was a traveler walking on the side of the road carrying all of his burdens. He then heard something from behind. It was a man in a carriage. The man welcomed the traveler onto the carriage which he happily expected. A moment passed and the man saw the traveler still carrying his burdens. ‘Friend, why don’t you set your burdens down in the carriage. I can carry them for you.’ The man replies, ‘Oh no, I must carry them. I don’t believe the carriage will be able to carry them.'”

Be weak. Surrender. Trust. Let go.

It is for freedom… that you have been set free.

screen-shot-2016-09-30-at-10-24-48-pm6. “The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others.” Albert Schweitzer

Yep, that is Landen stuck, literally inside his chair.

The funny thing is that he kept going in there over and over again. Then he’d realize he can’t get out and start crying.

We’d pull him out and he’d go right back in there.

Don’t we all do that sometimes? Sometimes we don’t learn our lessons. We are like children that know something is not right for us but go back to it over and over again.

I learned the importance of having compassion and the importance of serving others. Be open to the needs of others.

screen-shot-2016-09-30-at-10-24-57-pm7. “Some days there won’t be a song in your heart. Sing anyway.” – Emory Austin

The picture on the right is a growth on Landen’s gums (I’m actually tearing up writing about this).

It was a big scare. We noticed this growth getting bigger and bigger several months ago on our trip to Michigan. We immediately brought him to the ER at one of the top children’s hospitals in Michigan.

Two experts assessed his gums and had no idea what was going on. We then brought him to experts here in San Jose and received the same news that this could be a very serious problem. The deepest fear of a parent started to become real for Allison and me. We braced ourselves for the worst.

Finally, on the recommendation of a friend from church we brought him to another pediatric dentist and he found the cause of the problem. A small chip of Landen’s tooth had gotten lodged up in his gum and was causing severe swelling and hardness. With a swipe of his blade and a yank of his tweezers, he pulled it out.

The swelling went down within a week and now he is back to normal. I learned that there will often be challenging things that happen in life… sing anyway. By joyful always.

screen-shot-2016-09-30-at-10-25-06-pm8. “Every mountain top is within reach if you just keep climbing.” – Barry Finlay

This is one of my favorite lessons that I keep learning over and over again.

Success is not immediate but if you keep climbing, eventually you’ll get there… but you must have persistence.

Its king. Be patient and persevere, then you’ll be successful.

Many of you know that I have co-founded a new company called RallyAll. We’ve had some incredible challenges including…

  • Going to market with the wrong idea
  • Raising capital
  • Laying off key employees
  • Not knowing who we are in the market place
  • And so much more.

BUT… when you are climbing a mountain you must keep going. (I’ll have more info on the company and a challenge we are starting in a bit ;)).

screen-shot-2016-09-30-at-10-25-13-pm9. “Don’t be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.” – Rumi

Each of us has our own path to forge. Don’t allow others to decide it for you.

You were given unique strengths, ideas and creativity. Harness it. Focus it and align it with the vision for your life and as Rumi sates above… “unfold your own myth.”

Les Brown once said, “The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry our their dream.”

screen-shot-2016-09-30-at-10-25-22-pm10. “Accept challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.” George S. Patton

As a call to action for this final lesson, I’d like to challenge you.

Earlier, I mentioned that I co-founded a new company called RallyAll. Well, we just released a new app for Android and iPhone and starting on Monday, I’ll be leading groups through my 7 Day Ultimate Push Up Challenge.

Here is a picture of what it looks like inside the app. I’d love to see you inside. I’ll be in the app answering questions and motivating you too.

If you’ve found this post motivating than its time to take action. Are you in on the challenge? Taste the exhilaration of victory.

Join me, starting this Monday in the 7 Day Push Up Challenge.

The Ultimate 7 Day Push Up Challenge

Here are the links below. Its completely free to join. After you install the app on your phone, find the 7 Day Ultimate Push Up Challenge and hit the start button for Monday.

The 7 Day Ultimate Push Up Challenge (iPhone) <= Install RallyAll for iPhone

The 7 Day Ultimate Push Up Challenge (Android) <= Install RallyAll for Android

Here’s to the challenge and continuing to learn and grow on this journey of life!

-Bodyweight Todd



The post 10 Lessons I Learned After Moving To California appeared first on Body Weight And Calisthenics Exercises & Workouts.

from Body Weight And Calisthenics Exercises & Workouts

Reaching Today’s First-Time Homebuyers

This article is part of a series put together by the Total Mortgage marketing team that provides loan officers and other sales professionals with a crash course in marketing and self-promotion. To read other articles in this series, click here.

Good business doesn’t change.

Or does it?

As the market recovers from the housing crisis, many loan officers and housing professionals are making the mistake of trying to return to a pre-crash business model.

Pre-crash, there was no such thing as a smartphone. Your average homebuyer hadn’t grown up with the internet. Most transactions were conducted over the phone, maybe with an email or two here and there. Unfortunately, this isn’t 2005. Reaching today’s homebuyers requires a different set of skills.

This guide will help start you down the right path.

Meet the next generation of homebuyers

You’ve probably heard the word “Millennials” thrown around to describe today’s college kids and recent grads, but that moniker actually applies to anyone born from the early 80’s up until around 2000.

So while one of the biggest myths out there right now is that Millennials are still years and years away from buying their first homes, that’s simply not true. They’re already here.

So is the intent to buy homes. According to a 2014 survey conducted by Fannie Mae, 76% of younger renters actually think that owning is more sensible than renting in the long term.

What’s more—there are a LOT of them. Millennials number around 76.6 million, more than even Baby Boomers. In a few years, they’ll make up a majority of buyers, and without an understanding of what separates them from past generations, you may find yourself struggling.

Marketing to Millennials

There’s one thing that will never change: a house is still a huge purchase, especially for a generation crippled student loan debt.

Winning over Millennials will be an uphill battle for most loan officers, as they may be the toughest generation to market to yet. In a 2012 Pew Research Center survey, just 19% said most people could be trusted, compared with 40% of Baby Boomers.

To earn the trust of Millennials, you’re going to have to be able to:

  • Meet them halfway, on the platforms they use most.
  • Be fast, accurate, and personable.
  • Promote yourself in ways that make them feel involved, understood, and educated, not marketed at.
  • Understand what they value and promote accordingly.

If all that has you scratching your head, don’t worry. We’ll go through the basics components of a good marketing plan next.

Going beyond the phone

Traditionally, the phone has been the key point of contact when it comes to mortgages. Regardless of where the lead came from or how it reached the loan officer, the goal has always been to get that lead on the phone.

But Millennials are much less likely to respond to offers of phone calls so you can talk about their concerns. In fact, many will try to get out of talking to you completely. A greater reliance on personal cell phones over a family landline has turned talking on the phone into a much more personal act.

Many other older marketing tactics also won’t work, either because younger generations have started to abandon the medium or grow wise to marketing lingo:

  • Direct mail
  • Radio ads
  • Print ads

Even email marketing can backfire if not done right. Millennials have grown up sifting through junk mail. They’ll have no problem deleting anything that isn’t relevant to their needs or interests. To learn more about email marketing the right way, our guide on email lead nurturing is a great start.

The importance of a CRM

We’ve already touched on Customer Relationship Management tools (or CRMs) in our blog on referral partners, but here are the basics.

CRMs are built to keep all of your contacts, accounts, leads, referral partners, and emails in one place, organized and ready for you. A CRM isn’t the sort of platform you can wave around to impress prospective clients or referral partners, but it will help you stay on top of all the channels you manage on a day to day basis.

There are tons of platforms out there. If a CRM sounds right for you, shop around before settling on one. At Total Mortgage, we our loan officers a few different CRM options just so they can find one that fits their workflow.

Creating content you can market

A great way to build a relationship with potential clients? Give them something valuable, no strings attached, with your name on it. This builds goodwill, while attracting potential clients to a space you control—generally a blog or newsletter.

This isn’t a new idea. Way back in 1904, for instance a struggling Jell-O gave out free cookbooks full of Jell-O recipes, only to see their sales balloon to over one million (on a ten cent product).

The trick, of course, is knowing what sort of content will be most valuable to the kind of people who are likely to become your customers. That’s something we can definitely help you out with. We’ve run a popular industry blog for almost 10 years. Our guide to content will be a great jumping off point.

Once you’re ready to post, you encounter a whole new set of problems. In order for your content to reach as many people as possible, you have to make it friendly to search engines like Google. If you’re wondering how we do it, this guide on on-page optimization and this other one on generating links to your page will be a treat for you.

If you’re looking for a way to stand out from the crowd, though, you might want to check into our guide on marketing videos. Total Mortgage creates video for a wide range of uses, and we’ve found that it can really make a difference (especially if you use our tips).

Social media and you

Social media isn’t a hot new fad anymore—it’s a fact of life for a large percentage of the population, Millennials and Boomers alike. That makes it a great way for you to connect directly with your audience and give potential customers a feel for who you are.

Most companies big and small have a Facebook page these days. That’s a great first step, but it’s not going to get you far. If you’re wondering where to go next, we have some great resources on how to get started on other platforms and engaging with followers.

Of course, gathering followers and interacting with your peers isn’t the only thing social media is good for. It also makes for a great advertising platform. Facebook especially offer tons of options for targeting your ads to a specific audience. Take a look at our primer on social advertising here.

Mobile and apps

Housing is a slow and steady kind of industry. Many smaller companies and brokers still haven’t made the jump to online lending, much less considered the part mobile will play in their future.

However, that future is coming up quick. Right now about 56% of internet traffic already comes from mobile devices. That’s a huge number, and it’s only going to go up as new users age into the market.

While updating (or even creating) your site, consider optimizing for mobile, so that it will look nice and stay usable to potential borrowers on the go. Another thing to consider? An app. Our MyTotal Mortgage app has played a huge part in allowing us to reach a new set of homebuyers. It might not be right for everyone, but if you’re working with a larger company that has the resources, consider raising the issue with your sales manager.

Referral partners

In the face of all this talk of SEO and Twitter, it’s easy to overlook the old-school tactics that will still play well with this generation of homebuyers. Namely, building up a network of referral partners.

One thing that hasn’t changed about buying a house? It still takes a small army of people, including realtors, inspector, contractors—you get the picture. By creating a network of professionals you trust (and who trust you), you create opportunities for buyers to find you through word of mouth.

If you’re interested in seeing a breakdown of how Total Mortgage loan officers make this happen, guess what—we have a guide for it. Just click here to learn more.

To get more specifics about what the Total Mortgage marketing team does for our loan officers by checking out other articles in this series, or by visiting our career portal.

from Total Mortgage Underwritings Blog

The Kirkland by Bogner – A Limited Collection of Distinguished Kerrisdale Residences

External render of Kerrisdale's The Kirklan

At a Glance

  • prime location in upscale Kerrisdale
  • 5-storey mixed use concrete building
  • 20 spacious luxury residences
  • 46 underground parking spaces
  • private balconies & grand terraces
  • local boutique shopping & international dining
  • top-rated private & public schools nearby

The Essence of Contemporary Luxury
The accomplished team of Bogner Group and Rositch Hemphill Architects return to bring you The Kirkland, 20 luxury Kerrisdale residences that offer an unrivalled living experience in the heart of Vancouver’s established Westside. Located on the site of the historic Kirkland Metal Shop, Bogner has incorporated the façade of the beloved 1920s structure into the new building’s design that complements the evolving fabric of the neighbourhood, while honouring its past. Its grand New York-style lobby welcomes you into elegant interiors providing a sanctuary of regal comfort. Private balconies and grand terraces extend living spaces into the lush, tree-lined outdoors. The Kirkland redefines luxury living in Vancouver.

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  • Should be Empty:

Leafy streets and lush parks, charming shops and friendly faces greet you when you stroll the elegant sidewalks of Kerrisdale. Known for its brown brick sidewalks and stylish black street lamps, Kerrisdale Village is lined with charming shops and services to satisfy your every need. Experience Faubourg Paris’ authentic French patisseries, have a cappuccino at Caffé Artigiano or dine at one of many fine restaurants. Pick up your daily groceries at a family-owned green grocer, or visit Moores Delicatessen & Bakery, Hager Books, the historic Hills of Kerrisdale, or one of many excellent boutiques along the way. Contemporary comforts complement the vintage charm, making this an ideal west side locale.

Pricing for The Kirkland
Pricing for these stately Westside residences has yet to be released. For VIP access to priority announcements, subscribe to our list above.

Floor Plans for The Kirkland
The Kirkland offers a limited collection of superlative 2- and 3-bedroom homes, ranging from 1,173 to 2,028 sq ft. Without question, they will sell quickly. Contact me today if you wish to view available options.

Amenities at The Kirkland
Amenities available for this outstanding West Side Vancouver residence are still to be finalized. Yet, just outside your door, restaurants, cafes, boutique shops, professional services, grocery shopping, pharmacies, schools, a community centre, public library, and recreational activities offer everything needed for a refined West Coast lifestyle.

Parking and Storage
Full details have yet to be released, but there will be 46 underground parking spaces serving both residents and retail customers.

Maintenance Fees at The Kirkland
The Kirkland is still in pre-construction, so maintenance are not yet available.

Developer Team for The Kirkland
Bogner Group, a widely-respected boutique Vancouver developer, has been creating luxurious homes of outstanding quality and distinctive design throughout the Lower Mainland since the 1970s. Bogner focuses their attention on a very few carefully-chosen developments, closely monitoring each stage of the design and construction process with meticulous attention to detail.

Bogner Group has again partnered with award-winning Rositch Hemphill Architects to render their vision into rich, vibrant spaces that are the epitome of style and comfort. RHA is a Vancouver-based architectural firm that consistently ranks among the city’s top commercial and residential design firms. In more than two decades, the firm has designed in excess of 20,000 housing units, the majority of which are located in western Canada and the US Pacific Northwest.

Expected Completion for The Kirkland
Construction is set to begin in January 2017, with completion expected in Fall/Winter of 2018.

Are you interested in learning more about other condos or townhouses on the Westside of Vancouver?

Check out these great Westside Presale Condos!

The post The Kirkland by Bogner – A Limited Collection of Distinguished Kerrisdale Residences appeared first on Mike Stewart Real Estate Specialist 604-763-3136.

from Blog – Mike Stewart Real Estate Specialist 604-763-3136

The Grey by Westland – Ultra Luxury West Point Grey Pre-Construction Residences

Exterior render of The Grey at 16th & Dunbar.

At a Glance

  • exclusive West Point Grey location
  • 4-storey mixed use concrete building
  • 29 residences on three levels
  • excellent city, mountain, water views
  • large terraces, patios, or private roof decks
  • 15,000 sq ft of commercial space
  • near some of Vancouver’s finest schools
  • close to Pacific Spirit Regional Park

Aerial perspective of Westland's The Grey.

Epitome of Modern Elegance
Conveniently located at the north end of Dunbar Village on West 16th Avenue, the residences are placed in a predominantly single­-family neighbourhood. With this in mind, homes are designed to appeal to the luxuries and comforts of single­-family living. Designed by acclaimed IBI, the four­-storey structure complements the historic neighbourhood with a composite of natural stone, metal panel, glass and concrete. The Grey is a timeless illustration of contemporary elegance.

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  • Should be Empty:

The Grey will feature two­-bedroom to three-­bedroom plus den homes, as well as penthouse ­level homes, and rarely available ground-level commercial space. Penthouses will have private rooftop balconies and many homes will benefit from large outdoor terraces. As The Grey is located on the crest of Dunbar, north-facing homes will enjoy spectacular views of the water, North Shore mountains and Downtown Vancouver. All these large homes will carry the Westland pedigree that can only be offered from an ultra ­luxury single­-family builder. A first­-of-­its-­kind personalization and customization program will be handled through the exclusive Westland Design Centre.

Pricing for The Grey
Details have not yet been released. For priority evaluation of pricing and floor plans, join our VIP list above.

Floor Plans for The Grey
All residences have two or more bedrooms, including two 1,087 sq ft 2-bedroom suites, 18 2-bedroom + den homes from 1,132-1,353 sq ft, two 1,400 sq ft 3-bedroom condos, and seven penthouses from 911-3,500 sq ft. To consider available options, contact me today.

The Grey Interiors
Luxurious interiors at The Grey by Guo Interiors.
Superior Interiors

  • Two finely-crafted, custom colour palettes by Guo Interiors coordinate with your personal style
  • Over-height, smooth-painted 9’ ceilings in living and bedroom areas visually expand the scope of each room
  • Wide-plank engineered hardwood flooring flows throughout the living and bedroom areas
  • Side-by-side washer and dryer laundry closets offer the ultimate in domestic convenience
  • Solid core doors in each room create additional privacy and security
  • Custom-designed built-in closets allow for impeccable organization of your possessions
  • Automated smart-home technology by Creston controls temperature and lighting through a sleek wall-mount keypad
  • Additional smart-home technology available through the Westland Design Centre
  • Tailor your home with our pre-selected options for customization and personalization at the Westland Design Centre

Open-plan kitchen concept for spacious living at The Grey.
Connoisseur Kitchens

  • Italian-imported, custom-stained oak veneer cabinets designed for the needs of the at-home chef
  • Oversized kitchens with islands for family-style cooking and entertaining
  • Renowned, state-of-the-art Gaggeneau appliances:
  • Multi-language options
    • 36” 5-burner gas cooktop with stainless steel high CFM hood fan
    • Stand-alone 24” integrated refrigerator column
    • Stand-alone 18” integrated freezer column
    • Built-in microwave
    • Built-in, ultra-quiet speed dishwasher
    • 24” handleless, automatic door-opening wall oven
  • Each home includes the option for a one-of-a kind culinary entertainment centre with an integrated pantry that features:
    • Gaggeneau coffee maker
    • Gaggeneau refrigerated wine column
    • Pull-out storage
    • Custom bar with mirrored wall and lit display shelving for your finest cognac
  • Custom-designed drawer and door organizers keep kitchen essentials in their place
  • Integrated soft-touch, self-close doors and drawers maintain a visually clean kitchen and minimize noise
  • Kitchens offer convenient under-cabinet task LED lighting for precision work
  • Easy-to-maintain solid quartz countertops with full-height quartz backsplash and marble-top island make a statement
  • European-designed, arched chrome Hans Grohe faucet

Show-Stopper Bathrooms

  • Italian-imported, wood veneer cabinets hover over exquisite tile floor
  • Master bathroom features:
    • Opulent free-standing tub enclosed within a stunning frameless glass bathing room
    • Flush-mount, custom-stained oak, mirrored medicine cabinets with built-in lighting and electrical outlets
    • Nu-heat flooring for year-round comfort
    • Pristine white countertops are paired with Hans Grohe wall-mount or free-standing faucets and fixtures
    • Oversized 5’-wide porcelain marble slab creates a spectacular bathing experience
  • Powder room features:
    • Exceptional oversized, three-sided vessel sink
    • Duravit wall-mounted lavatory
    • Sparking chrome Hans Grohe faucet

Amenities at The Grey
Residents will enjoy the services of a dedicated building concierge to provide you with conveniences, such as key and dry cleaning drop-off / pick-up, parcel and grocery deliveries. A meeting room and small gym are also available.

Parking and Storage
Most homes come with two parking stalls located in a three-level parkade. A limited number of additional parking stalls will be available for purchase. Each residence comes with one storage locker.

Maintenance Fees at The Grey
Provided with pricing information.

Developer Team for The Grey
Westland, a family company, was established in 2008. Since that time, Westland has designed and built over 40 ultra-luxury custom homes in some of Vancouver’s most coveted neighbourhoods – Shaughnessy and Kerrisdale. Completely original, each of these custom homes were meticulously designed to express the unique personality of the homeowner. Coming this fall, Westland will bring a whole new level of personalization and customization to condos with their collection of two- and three- bedroom residences nestled on the corner of 16th and Dunbar.

IBI Group are a globally-integrated architecture, planning, engineering, and technology firm. From high-rises to industrial buildings, schools to state-of-the-art hospitals, transit stations to highways, airports to toll systems, bike lanes to parks, IBI design every aspect of a truly integrated city for people to live, work, and play.

Expected Completion for The Grey
Sales start Fall/Winter 2016. Completion date is yet to be determined.

Are you interested in learning more about other homes in Point Grey, Kitsilano, or the Westside of Vancouver?

Check out these great Kitsilano presale condos!

The post The Grey by Westland – Ultra Luxury West Point Grey Pre-Construction Residences appeared first on Mike Stewart Real Estate Specialist 604-763-3136.

from Blog – Mike Stewart Real Estate Specialist 604-763-3136

Triomphe by Millennium – 340 Brentwood Park Pre-Construction Luxury Condos

External rendering of Triomphe designed by Chris Dikeakos Architecture.

At a Glance

  • dramatic 46-storey highrise
  • 1- to 3-bedroom homes
  • exceptional views in all directions
  • balconies up to 378 sq ft
  • 2-storey amenity pavilion with rooftop pool
  • high-end Bosch appliance package
  • air conditioning
  • pets allowed

Rendering of the grand entrance to Triomphe.

A Residential Masterpiece
Triomphe by Millennium Development Group is poised to set a new benchmark for luxury in North Burnaby. This dramatic tower designed by Chris Dikeakos Architecture features nine-foot ceilings, premium finishes, air conditioning, spa-style bathrooms, and large balconies in every home. Contemporary interiors by prestigious Mitchell Freeland Design offer timeless elegance in two colour schemes for spacious open floor plans designed for entertaining and easy living. With many homes boast stunning views of downtown Vancouver and the North Shore mountains, it’s no surprise that this gateway to Brentwood is generating a great deal of excitement.

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  • Should be Empty:


Located at the corner of Halifax Street and Gilmore Avenue, Triomphe is ideally situated to provide you with convenient transportation connections to Vancouver and throughout the Lower Mainland via Skytrain, Highway 1, and Lougheed Highway. However, you needn’t travel far for daily necessities, shopping, and casual dining. Within a ten-minute walk, choose from Whole Foods, Save-on, or Costco for groceries. Banks, hairstylists, a post office, travel agents, medical and dental clinics, London Drugs, telecom providers, and more are all found at Brentwood Town Centre. Not in the mood to eat in? The Keg, Joey’s, Cactus Club, Browns Social House, Sushi Garden, and White Spot are but a short stroll away.

Pricing for Triomphe
For interested buyers, contact me for details.

Floor Plans for Triomphe
This project is currently in pre-construction. A variety of open floor plans will be available, including studios, one and two bedrooms, one and two bedrooms with den, three bedrooms, and three 3-bedroom townhouses. Sizes range from 477 sq ft to 1,364 sq ft. For priority viewing, we recommend joining our VIP list by subscribing above.

Amenities at Triomphe
Triomphe residents will enjoy an incredible array of amenities. The magnificent 40′-high marble and bronze lobby boasts a lounge and dedicated building concierge. A two-storey amenity pavilion offers a rooftop pool, hot tub, and lounge, steam rooms, a dance/yoga studio, music/games room, business centre, social lounge with widescreen TV, a barbecue area, and a fire pit. There will also be a terraced garden with children’s play area and a shared guest suite for visiting family and friends.

Parking and Storage
Triomphe is slated to provide 408 underground parking spots, including 17 handicap parking stalls, 34 electric vehicle charging stations, four car wash stalls, and 74 visitor spaces, along with four electric shared cars. Ample bicycle storage will also be available with 340 storage lockers, 340 slots in secure bicycle rooms, and visitor racks to accommodate 68 bikes.

Maintenance Fees at Triomphe

Developer Team for Triomphe
Millennium Development Group is an award-winning, Vancouver-based real estate developer and master-planned community builder. They strive to create legacies through thoughtful design and high-quality construction that complements the natural beauty of the West Coast landscape. Millennium’s projects include mixed-use complexes, residential towers, shopping malls, office buildings, and industrial centres representing approximately $6 billion built or under development in Canada and abroad. Notable projects include the Olympic Village, City in the Park, One Madison Avenue, Bristol at UBC, and One University Crescent at SFU.

Chris Dikeakos Architects is a Burnaby-based architectural firm with a strong reputation for multi-unit and highrise residential design. Their work ranges from concept and design development to construction drawings and site services, site capacity studies, master planning, urban design, and rezoning. Projects include the tallest residential highrise in San Diego, the tallest pure residential highrise in Los Angeles, and Solo District and Station Square in Burnaby.

Mitchell Freeland is a Vancouver interior design firm known for creating timeless contemporary designs. Recipient of numerous accolades, including the prestigious IIDA Global Excellence Award, their experience ranges from hotels, airline lounges, condominium lobbies and suites, to private residences, restaurants, corporate offices, spa/fitness facilities, and libraries. Prominent projects by Mitchell Freeland Design include The Ritz Carlton Los Angeles, The Residences at Hotel Georgia, and the Grand Horizon Tokyo.

Expected Completion for Triomphe
Spring 2019.

Are you interested in learning more about other condos in Brentwood, Highgate, Lougheed, or Metrotown?

Check out these great Burnaby Properties!

The post Triomphe by Millennium – 340 Brentwood Park Pre-Construction Luxury Condos appeared first on Mike Stewart Real Estate Specialist 604-763-3136.

from Blog – Mike Stewart Real Estate Specialist 604-763-3136

Current Mortgage Rates for Friday, September 30, 2016

Happy Friday, and welcome to the TMS current mortgage rates blog. There’s some economic data out today, but first, your daily mortgage rate forecast/advice.

Click here to get today’s latest mortgage rates.

Where are mortgage rates going?

Rates dip down to near 2016 lows

On Thursday, the Freddie Mac Private Mortgage Market Survey (PMMS) got released and it showed that mortgage rates fell down to near 2016 lows. The average rate on a 30-year fixed rate mortgage sunk six basis points down to 3.42% (0.5 points); the average rate on a 15-year fixed rate mortgage slipped four basis points to 2.74% (0.5 points; and the average rate on a 5-year ARM was the odd man out, rising one basis point to 2.81%.

If we look back at the PMMS archives, we can see that 3.42% is just one basis point higher than the 2016 low, recorded back in early July, a few weeks after the Brexit vote threw the markets into chaos. Data for the survey is collected early on in the week and often times, things change in the latter half of the week which make the results a lagging indicator. Things have remained fairly constant since the release of the report, which means that mortgage rates are still low.

Click here to get today’s latest mortgage rates.

current mortgage rates

Here is what Chief Economist at Freddie Mac Sean Becketti had to say about mortgage rates this week:

“Investors flocked to the safety of government bonds causing the 10-year Treasury yield to continue its descent following the FOMC’s decision to leave rates unchanged. The 30-year fixed-rate mortgage responded by dropping 6 basis points before landing at 3.42 percent–a ten-week low. The course of the economy is uncertain, yet consumers continue to be a bright spot. The September consumer confidence index is up 3 percent to 104.1, exceeding forecasts and reaching a new cycle high.”

Rates are still near record lows.  Contact us today to see if we can save you money on your home payments.

What does this mean for me?

Mortgage rates are just one basis point above 2016 lows and only ten basis points above all time lows. If you’re wondering if that’s a lot–it isn’t. We’ve been in a low rate environment all year but these rates are truly some of the best we’ve seen. Whether you’re looking to refinance your current mortgage into a lower rate, or lock in a low rate on a purchase for years to come, right now is a great time to do it. There’re no immediate threats on the horizon for mortgage rates, but I would still recommend that you act sooner rather than later. The market is a finicky beast, and it’s devoured many a man who have tried to time it.

Click here to get today’s latest mortgage rates.

Today’s economic data:

Personal Income and Outlays

August was a flat month for consumer spending, with personal income only rising 0.2% from the prior month. The PCE price index rose a mere 0.1% month over month, putting the year over year change at 1.0%. The core PCE price index also grew modestly with a 0.2% reading, putting it at 1.7% year over year.

Notable events this week:              


  • New Home Sales
  • Fedspeak


  • S&P Case-Shiller HPI
  • Consumer Confidence
  • Fedpeak


  • Durable Goods
  • EIA Petroleum Status Report
  • Fedspeak


  • GDP
  • International Trade
  • Jobless Claims
  • Fedspeak


  • Personal Income and Outlays

Rates are still near record lows.  Contact us today to see if we can save you money on your home payments.

from Total Mortgage Underwritings Blog

BST&N’s 2016-2017 Boston Bruins Preview

  Training camp has begun and preseason is starting for the Boston Bruins. The Bruins had a pretty interesting offseason, with the David Backes signing being the most notable out of them all. The Bruins have suffered two consecutive late-season collapses, and this season Don Sweeney and the Bruins are hoping that does not happen. [...]

The post BST&N’s 2016-2017 Boston Bruins Preview appeared first on Boston Sports Then & Now.

from Boston Sports Then & Now

Thursday, September 29, 2016

If You Missed GOAT Will Hunting With Damon, Affleck & Brady, You’re Welcome (VIDEO)

What do you get when you put together Jason Bourne, Batman and the Greatest Quarterback of All Time? Testosterone-palooza with a lot of fan boying and ball busting. I actually really LOL’ed in real life because Matt Damon, Ben Affleck & Tom Brady were WICKED FUNNY KID! Great fun for a great cause with some [...]

The post If You Missed GOAT Will Hunting With Damon, Affleck & Brady, You’re Welcome (VIDEO) appeared first on Boston Sports Then & Now.

from Boston Sports Then & Now

Current Mortgage Rates for Thursday, September 29, 2016

Welcome to the TMS current mortgage rates blog. There’s some economic data out today, but first, your daily mortgage rate forecast/advice.

Click here to get today’s latest mortgage rates.

Where are mortgage rates going?

Freddie Mac PMMS has rates right above 2016 lows

Every Thursday morning at 10am the folks over at Freddie Mac grace the mortgage rate world with their Private Mortgage Market Survey (PMMS). For the second week in a row, mortgage rates were on the decline, and this time the drop puts them a hair away from 2016 lows.

The average rate on a 30-year fixed rate mortgage fell six basis points to 3.42% (0.5 points); the average rate on a 15-year fixed rate mortgage rate sunk 4 basis points (0.5 points); while the average rate on the 5-year ARM was the outlier, ticking up one basis point to 2.81% (0.4 points). The 2016 record low for the 30-year fixed rate is 3.41%, which took place back in July a few weeks after the Brexit vote.

current mortgage rates

Click here to get today’s latest mortgage rates.

Data for the report is collected early on in the week, so it won’t factor in the modest rise we’re seeing this morning. The yield on the U.S. 10-year treasury yield (long held as the best market indicator of where rates are headed) is up one basis point from where it closed yesterday.

Here is what Chief Economist at Freddie Mac had to say about mortgage rates this week:

“Investors flocked to the safety of government bonds causing the 10-year Treasury yield to continue its descent following the FOMC’s decision to leave rates unchanged. The 30-year fixed-rate mortgage responded by dropping 6 basis points before landing at 3.42 percent–a ten-week low. The course of the economy is uncertain, yet consumers continue to be a bright spot. The September consumer confidence index is up 3 percent to 104.1, exceeding forecasts and reaching a new cycle high.”

Rates are still near record lows.  Contact us today to see if we can save you money on your home payments.

What does this mean for me?

It’s a great time to act

Mortgage rates are just one basis point from 2016 lows and only ten basis points from the all-time record low. That means that right now is an excellent time to refinance your current mortgage or lock in a low rate for years to come on a purchase. It’s very hard to judge what will happen next week, which is why I recommend striking now while the iron is hot.

Click here to get today’s latest mortgage rates.

Today’s economic data:


The third estimate for second quarter GDP is up three tenths from the prior estimate, putting GDP at 1.4%. While that might have been an improvement from the last estimate, it still points toward a stunted economy in the first half of the year. Fed projections are expecting growth in the second half of the year to pull 2016 GDP up to 1.8%.

International Trade

  • The U.S. trade deficit is at 68.4 billion for August. Exports rose 0.7%, and imports rose 0.3%.

Jobless Claims

Applications for U.S. unemployment benefits came in at 254,000 for the week of 9/24. That’s 2,000 higher than the previous week, but still very low. We’re quickly approaching another monthly jobs report (next Friday), and right now it seems as though it will be a strong one.


We’re treated to another jam-packed Fedspeak day, as six different Fed officials have speaking engagements.

Notable events this week:              


  • New Home Sales
  • Fedspeak


  • S&P Case-Shiller HPI
  • Consumer Confidence
  • Fedpeak


  • Durable Goods
  • EIA Petroleum Status Report
  • Fedspeak


  • GDP
  • International Trade
  • Jobless Claims
  • Fedspeak


  • Personal Income and Outlays

Rates are still near record lows.  Contact us today to see if we can save you money on your home payments.

from Total Mortgage Underwritings Blog

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

David Ortiz Best Moments

Big Papi David Ortiz is no doubt a legend. His clutch hitting led the Red Sox to an improbable sweep of the Yankees in the 2004 ALCS, en route to the team’s first championship since 1918. Then, he added 2 more to his resume- because 3 rings is the new 1. He’s had so many [...]

The post David Ortiz Best Moments appeared first on Boston Sports Then & Now.

from Boston Sports Then & Now

Current Mortgage Rates for Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Welcome to the TMS current mortgage rates blog. There’s some economic data out today, but first, your daily mortgage rate forecast/advice.

Click here to get today’s latest mortgage rates.

Where are mortgage rates going?

Mortgage rates headed lower

Mortgage rates are on the decline again today. There was a brief rally in the early morning hours, but those gains have been lost and now we’re slightly below where we started. The yield on the U.S. 10 year treasury yield (the best market indicator of where mortgage rates are headed), we can see that it’s at 1.55%, which is down one basis point from where it closed yesterday.

There’s not much economic data out today, but we will hear from several Fed officials throughout the day. It’s doubtful that there will be any out of the ordinary talks that nudge the markets off their current trajectory.

Click here to get today’s latest mortgage rates.

Looking to tomorrow’s Freddie Mac PMMS

The Freddie Mac PMMS comes out tomorrow and I believe that we will be seeing mortgage rates several points below where they were last week. That’s great news for borrowers. The average rate on a 30-year fixed rate mortgage dipped back into the 3.41%-3.48% last week, so it’s likely that rates will be at the bottom end of that range tomorrow. The lowest reading of the year for the PMMS is indeed 3.41%, so the fact that we are headed back down in that area is no doubt beneficial to anyone trying to lock in a low rate on a refinance or purchase. For perspective, the highest reading of the year is 3.97%, which happened back in January.

Rates are still near record lows.  Contact us today to see if we can save you money on your home payments.

What does this mean for me?

Mortgage rates are moving back down near the lows of the year. That means there are plenty of opportunities for borrowers to get a great deal on a refinance or purchase. It only takes a few minutes to call and see if refinancing makes sense. I feel confident that your time would be worth the potential reward. There’s no immediate threat to mortgage rates, but I would still recommend acting sooner rather than later.

Click here to get today’s latest mortgage rates.

Today’s economic data:

Durable Goods

Durable goods orders were flat in August. That puts them at -1.3% year over year. The report signals more weakness from the factory sector.

EIA Petroleum Status Report

Crude oil inventories: -1.9 M barrels

Gasoline: 2.0 M barrels

Distillates: -1.9 M barrels


  • Minneapolis Fed President Neel Kashkari will speak at 8:45am.
  • Fed Chair Janet Yellen will testify before the House Financial Services Committee at 10:00am.
  • Chicago Fed President Charles Evans speaks at 1:30pm.
  • Cleveland Fed President Loretta Mester is set to talk at 4:35pm.
  • Kansas City Fed President Esther George will speak at 7:15pm.

Notable events this week:              


  • New Home Sales
  • Fedspeak


  • S&P Case-Shiller HPI
  • Consumer Confidence
  • Fedpeak


  • Durable Goods
  • EIA Petroleum Status Report
  • Fedspeak


  • GDP
  • International Trade
  • Jobless Claims
  • Fedspeak


  • Personal Income and Outlays

Rates are still near record lows.  Contact us today to see if we can save you money on your home payments.

from Total Mortgage Underwritings Blog