Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Top 5 Spring Maintenance Tips for a Fresh Home

With spring upon us, it is time to take on some maintenance activities that can really make your home shine and give your home a freshness that only spring can bring to it. It means getting outside, having get-togethers and opening the windows to let the fresh air in.

Longer days give us the opportunity to get these projects completed in time to spend more hours enjoying the warmer weather. These maintenance tips will make your home sparkle and shine.

Clean your Windows 

Getting those windows sparkling in time for long days of summer is a great spring time maintenance activity. By cleaning the windows inside and out it will help give your home a special view to the activities outside.

Remember to remove the screens and give them a wash; however, stay away from pressure washing your screens as this process could damage the screens.

Also, clean the dust from the frames and remove any dirt to prevent this dirt and dust from entering the house and causing other problems like poor air quality. Once you have finished all the cleaning be sure to put all the screens back into place.

Steam Clean your Carpets  

Carpets get a lot of wear and tear in a house with kids, pets, and guests coming and going. Even without heavy human traffic, homes collect a lot of dust and dirt and much of that dust gets embedded in the carpets.

Steam cleaning your carpets not only helps in keeping the carpets looking fresh and extending their life, it also helps create a healthier living environment by eliminating the dirt, odor, and bacteria that can be trapped in your carpets.

If you have your own steam cleaning machine, you can get this scheduled on your calendar and get busy. If you do not, this is a great opportunity to work with a local professional carpet cleaning company.

Change out those flannel winter sheets for spring bedding 

In the winter, we snuggle up with flannel sheets and layers of blankets to get a good night’s sleep. With spring here, it is time to wash and put away the extra blankets and flannel sheets and bring out your favorite spring linens.

Using lighter materials for your bedding will ensure that your body reaches the best temperature for optimal sleep. And who doesn’t want great sound sleep? In fact, your health depends on it!

Cleaning and Refinishing your Patio Furniture  

It is time to get outside and share meals with family and friends or just gather for a glass of wine and some conversation. Spring is a perfect time to give your patio furniture a quick cleaning and remove it from storage if it is not already outside. Patio furniture is exposed to all the different climate elements, from high heat, humidity, as well as, rain and other moisture.

You can make your furniture last longer if you clean the furniture regularly. If you have any type of wooden furniture, you can preserve the life of the furniture by treating and sealing the wooden areas of the furniture with the appropriate products.

Additionally, if you have aluminum or wrought iron furniture, you can use a little spray paint to refresh the look. If you have mesh fabrics, a little soap and water can get it these pieces of furniture clean. However, be sure to avoid using bleach as this could damage the material.

Check water lines in the ice maker in the refrigerator 

To get ready for those parties so you can serve those slushy drinks and conquer the high heat, you need great clean-tasting ice. Ice makers in refrigerators can often times get clogged with mineral deposits in the water lines … yuck.

Forgetting to clean these can cause the ice maker to work harder making it more susceptible to wearing out. This problem can also cause the ice maker to produce less ice cubes and create a potential leak, and potentially damaging not only the ice maker, but the refrigerator and the contents inside the freezer. Having clean delicious ice cubes can make all drinks taste fresh and yummy.

We hope your spring and summer are kicking off to a great start and with these helpful tips this fabulous time of year can become more enjoyable and your home can sparkle with cleanliness.

from Total Mortgage Underwritings Blog

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