Thursday, June 23, 2016

Generating Links to Your Site

This article is part of a series put together by the Total Mortgage marketing team that provides loan officers and other sales professionals with a crash course in marketing and self-promotion. To read other articles in this series, click here.         


Driving traffic to your site can be a challenge, and one of the most difficult aspects of that challenge is getting Google and the other major search engines to trust your site and consequently increase its ranking position for high-value keywords. Though there are hundreds, possibly even thousands, of components that factor into Google’s ranking algorithm, inbound links (links from another site to your own site) are one of the most important.

To help make the process as painless as possible, we’ve put together the following guide. It will help highlight the importance of inbound links and explain some of the best ways to generate high-value links to your site.

Why you want inbound links

Inbound links do two main things:

     1. Drive traffic to your site   

Ever clicked on a link and wound up at a website you otherwise would never have found? That’s the power of inbound links. They bring you users who would not have gotten there otherwise.

     2. Increase search engine ranking      

Search engines want to give users the best results. If a site has many links from other sites, that’s usually a good sign that it has worthwhile content on it, and its search ranking will go up. 

Want those things to happen? Of course you do.

Quick Tips

It’s no easy feat to generate inbound links, but here are some tips to get the ball rolling:

Link to other blogs

When someone smiles at you, thanks to mirror neurons, it’s likely that you’ll instinctively smile back. It might be a little different from a biological point of view, but when other bloggers see that you’ve linked to their site, they’re more likely to reciprocate and link to your site.

So when you write blogs (if you’re not doing that already, you should be), add some links to other blogs. With so much fantastic content on the web, it shouldn’t be hard to find resources that naturally fit into your posts.

Guest blog for other sites

Creating quality content is tough, which means most sites welcome the opportunity for a guest post on their blog. So set aside a few posts and reach out to various outlets to see if they’re interested. It’s common courtesy to allow at least one inbound link to your site per post. Don’t be surprised if they contact you in the future wondering if they can do the same on your site.

Create infographics

We live in a largely visual world. If you have information that you can craft, or have someone craft, into a compelling infographic, people will share that image and link back to you as the source. You might think to yourself, “I’m a loan officer; I can’t create infographics…”

Not so. You don’t have to be schooled in design, you just have to know some of the basics. There are many tutorials online that take as little as an hour to run through what you need to know to get started.

Considering your site will be around for a while, it could be worth it to learn how to design an infographic. Who knows? Maybe you’ll enjoy it.

Do something funny

Laughing is fun. Humor is one of the most desirable traits in a significant other for a reason. The mortgage industry isn’t known for its jokes, but that doesn’t mean you can’t try your hand at some comedic relief.

The key here is to know your audience—the last thing you want to do is offend someone. So make sure you bounce your joke off several different people before sending it out into the internet. And if for some reason you aren’t sure how your idea will come across, don’t do it.

Influencer (Social Media) Marketing

When it comes down to it, you’re going to have to reach out and promote yourself if you want to generate inbound links. That means talking to social media influencers. They are seen as authorities of their industry, and therefore, links from them have a lot of weight. And as a bonus, they have followers that are ready to devour any content that’s fed to them. If you build up a good relationship with several influencers, you can find yourself with a steady stream of inbound links.

Who are your targets?

It’s important to properly identify your targets. You need to figure out who the biggest influencers are in the mortgage and real estate industries, and whittle down what relationships will be the most productive. There are a few different ways to go about doing this.

     1. Analytics sites 

There are several sites that have software that crawl social media sites to gather data which then goes through an algorithm, resulting in a score. The most popular are Klout, Kred, and PeerIndex.

Klout is kind of the de facto authority for ranking social media influencers. It’s fairly straightforward, the algorithm comes up with a score between 1-100, where 1 is the worst and 100 is the best. Klout is particularly notable in that it takes into account blog influence.

PeerIndex shares a lot of similarities with Klout. It does get into a little more detail with its reporting, but that’s about it.

Kred doesn’t just rate individuals based on influence, it adds in an outreach score that lets you know how often someone engages with other people.

     2. Messing around on social media         

It might sound crazy, but doing your own direct searches on Facebook, Twitter, and any other social media platform can help you discover new influencers. It’s a lot less low-tech than the algorithms, but it has its merits. If you’re wondering where to start, take a look at our article on maintaining your social media presence.

     3. Search engines         

You use google when you want to find out about nearly anything on the internet, so it only makes sense that you would use it when trying to find social media influencers. A good place to start is by googling different mortgage related topics to find out who the big names are in the mortgage blog world.

How will you reach out?

Twitter? Facebook? Email? Once you know who your targets are, you have to figure out how you will reach out to them. There are many ways to go about this. Will you have to offer a cold pitch or will you need to build a relationship with them first?

Having a standing relationship definitely makes the process easier, but that doesn’t mean you should be afraid to pitch an idea to someone you’ve never talked to before. If the idea is good enough and you sell it to them in the right way, it’s not out of the question that they’ll go for. In the end, don’t overthink it. The important part is that you make the effort and contact them.

Content Outreach and Promotion Tips

Keep the conversation going

Influencers are people, and people generally don’t like it when you only talk to them when you want something. That means reaching out to influencers only when you have a new post you want them to share is poor etiquette, and unlikely to help you build lasting relationships.

The solution? Engage when you can.

Make sure you’re following them on whatever social media platform they use and keep an eye out for their posts. Commenting on their posts shows that you aren’t just in it for the links. As you’ll see, there are other benefits to commenting on blogs.

Comment on other blogs

There’s a certain element of skill to this one. You can’t just say, “Nice post! Thanks for sharing.; Not only does that look like spam and will most likely get deleted before anyone sees, it looks desperate and doesn’t give a user any reason to follow your link.

You have to thoughtfully engage and respond with a comment that brings something to the table. That way people know that you are capable of bringing them value and will be more apt to click the link to see what else you have to say.

Bigger Outlets

Breaking into a popular media outlet like the NY Times or Wall St. Journal can be challenging. They most likely don’t know who you are, and sending the editor an article to read is basically guaranteed to get ignored. Editors are busy, and they only look at material from unknown writers who get vouched by someone they know. That’s why you should reach out to a writer on their staff.

Send them an email telling them how you really love their writing and point toward an article you’ve recently read (if you don’t already, start reading their work and find a piece that you can really engage with).

Flattery is all well and good, but what will really set you apart is if you can offer some sort of constructive criticism. Tell them that you think their readers would appreciate it if you added in so and so. You want to emphasize that you aren’t trying to be negative, you just want to keep seeing them producing high-quality content.

If your feedback has validity, they will probably be grateful that you reached out to them, and will respond. After a few emails back and forth, you can ask them how you would be able to get to their level and write for them.

There are no guarantees, but getting your work into more prominent media outlets will certainly increase your exposure, making the reward worth the effort.

How to Create Quality Content

Without quality content, no matter how suave of a networker you are, no one is going to link to your site. That means posting quality content on a consistent basis is one of the utmost importance. How do you figure out how to do that? As part of our loan officer marketing series, we’ve already created a blog on Creating and Curating Content.

Bottom Line

Generating inbound links is one of the most important steps on the path to a thriving website. It also takes time, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t have a million links after a few weeks. Just keep on hacking away at it and eventually the links will come.

You can learn more about what the Total Mortgage marketing team does for our loan officers by checking out other articles in this series, or by visiting our career portal.

from Total Mortgage Underwritings Blog

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