Monday, August 22, 2016

25 Quick Workouts You Can Do in Under 25 Minutes

Hey, are you busy?

Of course you are! What a silly question. We’re all busy. Studies show we’re working more than ever and taking less time for ourselves these days. With everything on our plates — jobs, family, school, driving, walking the dog, paying bills, and catching Pokemon — time can really zoom by without us noticing. As a result, a lot of lesser tasks can fall by the wayside without us even noticing.

But the fact that you’re taking time out of your busy day to read this shows that, despite those other responsibilities pulling you in different directions, you still want to make your health and fitness a priority.

And that’s something we take very seriously. For years, we’ve been hard at work for our readers, helping them reach their fitness goals with innovative and challenging programs. Whether you wanted to lose those stubborn love handles, push your body to the limit, or find new tips on nutrition, we’ve had a program for you.

Now, we definitely stand by these programs and think they’re a great resource for those looking to get in shape. That said, some people simply aren’t interested in a long-term commitment with a fitness program. These people are, for many reasons, looking for something in the form of a stand-alone, quick workout. And we always strive to find a solution for everyone. What can we say — we’re people pleasers.

Our programs range in duration, some lasting as little as three weeks and others much longer. But if you’ve been reading our blog for a while, you’ve probably seen at least a few of the quick workouts we’ve posted that are independent from any of our other programs. These have been tremendously popular for us over the years, so we thought it was high-time to gather the best of the best and put them in one place for you.

The programs you’re about to see can be done anytime, anywhere. They’re perfect if you are not committed to a particular program and are looking for a spontaneous, fun challenge! We know this will be a great resource for you. So be sure to bookmark this page — or print out the content — and just like that, you’ve got 25 unique, quick workouts at your disposal.

What do we mean by ‘quick?’ Well, those of you who have been a part of the Shot of Adrenaline family for a while know that we’re not interested in long, tedious workouts. As we said, we know you’re plenty busy and we’re not looking to take up the bulk of your day here. All of these workouts can be done in 25 minutes or less.

With this collection, you can pick and choose the workouts you want to do anytime you want. And of course, there’s no gym equipment needed for any of our workouts. All you need is your body weight and a positive attitude.

What’s the Right Workout for Me?

As you browse the different quick workouts in this article, you may very well wonder how in the heck you’re supposed to choose the best workout for you. Truthfully, it really depends on what you’re looking for each day! Remember, these are stand-alone workouts, so you can do them in whatever order you wish. Skip the ones that don’t seem interesting to you. Repeat the ones you like. Mix it up. It’s all up to you. That’s what makes this article a great resource for people who don’t feel a long-term program is realistic.

And as you’ll see, the workouts are certainly varied in content. A good portion focus on abs workouts. A few of them are great if you’re specifically looking to get a quick leg workout to strengthen your lower body. We’ve also got a push-up exercise that utilizes every finger on your hands… there are going to be some exercises here you’ve never heard of before!

Some of our quick workouts are going to be full-body circuits that will give you a great burn from head to toe. So if, for example, you’re on the road and you think you may only have one chance to work out all week, these would be a great option. And as we said, we’ve got a few that will be like nothing you’ve ever done previously — like a workout inspired by our four-legged friends of the animal kingdom. Or a workout that has an element of chance (and a pair of dice). Again, these are all 25-minute workouts with all the benefits of calisthenics, so no matter which you choose, you’re going to be burning fat while building solid, lean muscle.

The 25 Quick Workouts

1) The Golden Legs Workout

the golden legs workout

Having 24 carat gold legs doesn’t come without sacrifice, so before attempting this workout, please call in sick for the coming few days. Either that or order a mobility scooter.

Made the call? Great, let’s get to it!


Do each exercise for the total amount of seconds then immediately move to the next exercise. Once you finish 1 round, rest for 30-60 seconds. Do 5 total rounds.



  • Instead of regular bodyweight squats, do pistol squats.


  • Feel free to do the wall sits for less than 45 secs, as long as you’re giving it your all.

2) The 360 Degrees Hold Bodyweight Workout

360 degrees hold bodyweight workout

This workout consists of three isometric exercises that will leave your core spinning in pain.

You’re entire body will be spinning as well since you’ll be facing a different direction with each hold.

You’ll get a real good look of wherever you exercise, so if you’ve been meaning to check for mold, this is the opportunity.

Without further ado, let’s break a sweat.


Do each exercise for the total amount of seconds then immediately move to the next exercise. Once you finish 1 round, rest for 30-60 seconds. Do 5 total rounds.



  • Try to go to failure with each hold, see if you can finish all  5 rounds like that.


  • Instead of doing planks extended, you can do regular planks



Up and Down Upper Body Galore infographic

We all know that guy who goes all upper body and exercises his pecs mercilessly for beach season then stop working out altogether when it’s over. Now beach season is over (well, if you are in the Northern Hemisphere), are you going to be that guy?

You and I know better, we know that there’s no season for being strong and healthy and that being athletic is a 365/365 hustle, right?

I’m really excited for you all to try this fun and challenging workout, so let me know how it goes.


Do each exercise for the total amount of reps then immediately move to the next exercise. Once you finish 1 round, rest for 60 seconds. Do 4 total rounds.


Below are links to instructional videos explaining how to do the exercises in this workout. I’ve also included an interesting article related to each exercise. Feel free to explore πŸ™‚

Advanced Modifications

If you’re looking for advanced modifications, you can probably breath right through the 10 and 15 rep counts, so what you can do is go to failure with each set. You might need to rest for more than 60 seconds after each round

Beginner Modifications

You can stretch the post-round rest to more than 60 seconds. You can even take it up to 4 minutes. Just make sure to give it all you got with the exercises.

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4) 10 Finger Push-up Workout

This workout consist of:

  • Right Uneven Five Finger Push Up
  • Left Uneven Five Finger Push Up
  • 10 Finger Push Up
  • 20 Close Feet Squats

Do the above set 3 X total.

In this workout we adjusted the standard push up so that it targeted different muscle fibers than the normal push up. You can do this with any exercise, just use some creativity.

Bodyweight exercises can be fun. You don’t have to do the same old push ups and squats over and over again. Experiment.



5) The Ternary Gains Workout

The Ternary Gains Workout infographc

I had three goals in mind while designing this workout:

  • Makes it a whole body workout
  • Make it simple
  • Make it fun

As a result, the workout consists of no more than three exercises, covering the upper body, the core, and the lower body. All three exercises are fun, simple, and easy to do.

This is a great way to end the week and burn some of the Thanksgiving calories.

So go ahead and get your shot of motivation by watching my friends Dmitry and Jaroslav performing the workout, then download you copy of the workout sheet and get to it.


Do each exercise for the specified amount of time, rest for 10 seconds, then move to the next exercise. Once you finish one round, rest for 1 minute. Do 4 rounds total.




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6) The Stairway To Gains Calisthenics Workout

the stairway to gains calisthenics workout

For this workout, we’re going to climb the stairs to gains.

We’re going to do progressively more difficult sets with each stair.

Ironically, you won’t be able to climb actual stairs after this, so make sure you have everything you need from upstairs before you attempt the workout.


Do each exercise for the total amount of seconds then immediately move to the next exercise. Once you finish one round, rest for 50 seconds. Do 5 rounds total.



  • Instead of regular bodyweight squats, do pistol squats


  • Rest as long as you need between rounds


7) The Hands-Feet Bodyweight Workout

hands-feet workout

According to a statistic I just invented, the bottom of our feet is touching the floor for over 99% of our waking hours.

Considering that we are a mammalian species, that´s embarrassing.  Well, not all mammals use all fours for balance. Some like whales use none and are doing a permanent “look ma, no hand and no feet.” But whales are almost as weird as us, so they’re not the best example.

So for this workout, we’re splitting it fairly, we’re supporting our body 50% of the time with the feet and 50% with the hands.

And guys, if you’re not taking good care of both your feet and your hands, and you’re not giving them both enough time, you must be insane, because all the sane people do.


For each exercise, do as many reps as you can in 60 seconds then immediately move to the next exercise. Once you finish 1 round, rest for 30-40 seconds. Do 5 total rounds.



  • instead of regular push ups, do one arm push up
  • instead of front lunges, do pistol squats


  • you can do the exercises for less than 60 seconds, just make sure to stick with the amount of time you choose for all exercises

8) The Animal Within All Fours Workout

The Animal Within All Fours workout infographic

Bipedalism is a huge advantage humans have over other animals. Having our hands free means we can do a lot of things that other animals can’t do, like eating ice cream and doing the Macarena. But today we’re having none of that bipedal nonsense, today we’re going primal, today we’re going savage, today we’re bringing the animal within.

How to unleash the animal within:

Do each exercise for 20 seconds at your normal pace then immediately move to the next exercise. Rest for 20 seconds after each round. Do 5 total rounds.


Tiger mode:

You can take this to the next level by not resting between rounds. You know why, because a true tiger needs no rest, so why would you? Well, actually tigers sleep for about 16 hours a day, which is about the exact amount of sleep your body will need to function again after this brutality.

Kitten mode:

If the workout is too much for your little paws, you can reduce the amount of time for the exercises. Just try to be consistent, meaning try to do all exercises for the same amount of time.

Would you like to download the The Animal Within All Fours Workout sheets to your phone or computer for FREE? Click the button below…

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9) The Platinum Thighs Workout

The Platinum Thighs Workout infographic

A lot of people say that sitting is the new smoking.

But if you have two twigs under your pants, is it even worth the risk?

Sometimes I look at chicken legged people doing physical activity and I genuinely worry their legs would snap in half at any moment.

I mean, when a kid tries to hand balance, her mom’s heart skips a beat, because the mom sees that she’s doing it on these frail skinny rods we have for arms. But we see people leg balancing on their skinny legs all the time and no one bats an eye. How is this normal?

Well, I’m doing something about that.

Today’s workout is all abut giving you the legs you can safely and proudly stand on.

This workout consists of lower-body-intensive exercises that will promote your thighs to the platinum level.

So go ahead and download your copy of the workout sheet below and get to it, but before you do that, get your shot of motivation by watching my friend Dimtry do the workout:


Do each exercise for the specified amount of time, rest for 10 seconds, then move to the next exercise. Once you finish one round, rest for 1 minute. Do 4 rounds total.



  • Instead of doing regular bodyweight squats, try to do pistol squats instead.
  • Try to do the wall sits until failure


  • You don’t have to do the exercises for the whole amount of time, just stay with it as long as possible

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10) Extreme FREE Home Based Workout For Upper Body

 This is an intense upper body workout.

Here are the exercises:

Half Burpees

Pull Up Kisses

Flutter Kicks

Good luck!


11) The Pushup Extravaganza Workout

The Pushup Extravaganza Workout inforgraphic

There are many reasons why you may want to have stronger arms :

  • Say hello to your neighbor with more fervor
  • Pet your dog with more passion
  • Hold more limes
  • etc

Whatever your reasons are, this workout is all about monstrifying your arms and your general upper body region.

The workout starts with some pull ups, just to get you tired, then hit you with a barrage of pushups.

Can you survive?

Watch my friend Anand killing it doing a round of the workout:

Can you do it better?


Do each exercise until failure, rest for 30 seconds, then move to the next exercise. Once you finish one round, rest for 40-50 seconds. Do 4 total rounds.



  • Can you do close grip pull ups? If yes, do those instead, they’ll hit your arms more than regular pull ups.
  • Replace barbwire push ups with a more advanced push up variation, like the one arm push up.


  • If you struggle to do a pull up, you can do assisted pull ups, by having a chair underneath you to offset some of your weight.
  • For wide push ups, just have your hands as wider than shoulder width as possible, it doesn’t have to be exactly “wide.”
  • The same goes for triangle push ups, just put your hands as close as possible, they don’t have to touch.

Would you like to download The Pushup Extravaganza Workout sheets to your phone or computer for FREE? Click the button below…

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12) The Dual Gains Workout

The Dual Gains Workout Infographic

This workout is based on Bruce Lee’s immortal words:

“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.”

You don’t have to go through a gazillion exercise to get a good workout. If you do it right, one exercise could do it (burpees, anyone?).

In this case, it’s two exercises. Push ups for your upper body and and squats for your lower body.

This is a fast paced, minimalist whole body workout that will leave you drenched.

So download your copy of the workout sheet and start breaking a sweat, but before you do that, watch my friends Dmitry and Jaroslav doing the workout for maximum motivation.


Do each exercise for the specified amount of time, rest for 10 seconds, then move to the next exercise. Once you finish one round, rest for 1 minute. Do 4 rounds total.



  • Instead of doing regular push us, alternate between three advanced push ups (eg: one arm push ups, diamond push ups, wide push ups).
  • Instead of regular bodyweight squats, you can pistol squats.


  • Instead of doing regular push ups, you can do knee push ups

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13) The Gains Of Chance Calisthenics Workout


Getting strong and fit is not something that happens by chance. Staying healthy requires a significant amount of planning, discipline and hard work.

But for this workout, we’re throwing that out the window.

For this workout, chance will decide how much gains you’re going to make.

We wish you the best of luck!


Roll a dice twice, the first time to find out which of the six exercises to do, and the second time to find out how many reps or secs to do it. Do this for 15 sets total, resting 50 secs between sets. If you can’t find a dice, use this.



To choose the amount of reps and secs, roll twice.


If you can’t finish all reps or secs of the exercise the dice chose, do them in a different exercise.


14) The Full Body Burpee Annihilator Workout

The Full Body Burpee Annihilator Workout 2


You like burpees? Too bad, you have to do this workout.


Do each exercise for 1 minute then immediately move to the next exercise. Once you finish 1 round, rest for 30 seconds. Do 5 total rounds for maximum strength and conditioning development.


Advanced Modifications:

If you find this workout to easy, increase the number of rounds or strive to do the exercises using the AMRAP technique. After each 1 minute set, quickly write down your reps. Then the next round try to break the record.

Beginner Modifications:

You can make this routine easier by setting the clock to 30 seconds instead of 1 minute. For the pull ups, you can use a chair or rest frequently during the 1 minute sets.


Would you like to download the The Full Body Burpee Annihilator Workout workout sheets to your phone or computer for FREE? Click the button below…

Download the Workout Sheets Here

workout sheets

Download the The Full Body Burpee Annihilator Workout Sheets Here (FREE) <==


15) The Squatting Dog Workout

In this workout, I will be teaching you the importance of positioning.

We’ll be doing one exercise. Its a combination of the Frog Push Up and the Bear Squat. However, we’ll be doing several different positions of the exercise.

The Exercise/Rest split is 20 seconds exercise and 10 seconds of rest.

What does it strengthen? The entire body

How long does it take? 7 minutes



16) The Nothing But Pushups Calisthenics Workout

nothing but pushups

We’re not gonna lie, this one is gonna be tough.

This is going to be 7 minutes of straight agony.

So just familiarize yourself with with the push up, brace yourself, and jump into it.


Do each exercise for the total amount of seconds then immediately move to the next exercise. Once you finish one round, rest for 50 seconds. Do 5 total rounds.



  • Do the exercises for 30 seconds instead of 20.


  • Your hands don’t have to be touching for the triangle push ups, just make sure their as close to each other as possible.


17) Leave No Muscle Behind Workout

Leave No Muscle Behind Workout infographic

This workout is designed to target as many muscles as possible.

Today we’re not going to leave any muscle behind.

Your body will be so sore after this, you’ll wonder what’s wrong with being a couch potatoe anyway.

But you know better, you know the pain is good for you.

You will love and embrace the pain. You will allow it to make you healthier and cleanse you of weakness.

So go ahead and watch my friend Dmitry doing the workout, get inspired, then download the workout sheet below and break a big sweat.


Do each exercise for 30 seconds then immediately move to the next exercise. Once you finish one round, rest for 1 minute. Do 5 rounds total.



  • Instead of regular pushups you can do diamond pushups or one arm pushups
  • Instead of pike press push ups, you can hand stand push ups (assisted or free)


  • Instead of pike press push ups, you can do a plank
  • You can do the exercises for 20 seconds instead of 30.

Would you like to download Leave No Muscle Behind Workout sheets to your phone or computer for FREE? Click the button below…

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Ab Workouts

The workouts you’re about to see are going to help all of your key muscle groups. However, we recognize that, more than any other area on the body, people ask us how to improve their midsection. We all want those washboard abs you see on magazine covers. But if you’re not dedicated to a specific program, how do you know what you should be doing? A lot of people try to simplify things by doing crunches everyday, but the problem is, crunches mostly don’t work. You need better methods for engaging your core to get a solid ab workout that will build strength and tone muscles. So that’s what we’ve gathered for you in this article!

Having a strong core isn’t just aesthetically pleasing. It’s got numerous other benefits. Among them, you’ll have an improved sense of balance, you can alleviate lower back pain, and even reduce your risk of heart disease.

Take a look at our awesome, stand-alone ab workouts throughout the list and all the variations of exercises they offer. Now remember, just because they’re stand-alone exercises doesn’t mean you can do them once and wake up with a six-pack. Fitness takes hard work and dedication. But you can take whichever workout(s) work best for you, and utilize them as needed in your fitness regimen. And remember, these are all 25-minute workouts (or less), so you’re going to get an awesome core workout in a short amount of time.

Let’s get started with our list of awesome workouts! And remember, if you ever have any questions, just drop us a line at, and we’ll be happy to help you out.


18) The Sore Core, Please No More Calisthenics Workout

sore core please no more infographic

How active have you been lately?

If you’ve been moving your body, good. You will move it even more with this workout. If you’ve been inactive, good. You’ll make up for the whole week with this workout.

Because with this workout your CORE will be so SORE, you will be screaming “NO MORE!”

Well, it’s actually not that crazy. This is a nice workout for your core, especially your abs and lower back. It’s a great way to end your week on a positive note. So download the workout sheet below and join the SOA community in doing our Friday Workout


Do each exercise for the total amount of seconds then immediately move to the next exercise. Once you finish 1 round, rest for 15-30 seconds. Do 5 total rounds.


Below are links to instructional material showing you how to do the exercises with good form. Below each exercise is a link to one of my best articles related to that particular exercise, purely for your entertainment. Don’t be afraid to explore!


Can you do each exercise for a full minute instead of 40 seconds? If you think you can, make that your advanced modification. Let me know if you’re still alive by the end of the workout.


Instead of 40 seconds, choose any amount of time you think you can do and stick to it. You can download the workout sheet below, print it, and modify it as you want.

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19) The Diamond Abs Workout

The Diamond Abs Workout infographic

This is late Fall in the northern hemisphere and I’m releasing a workout for the abs. It’s crazy, right?
Actually it’s not.
Beach going is not the only reason to have great abs. Abs are extremely important stabilizer muscles AND they look good ANYWHERE.

Greek and Romans, for example, knew how important abs are. Their abs were so strong, they left a visible imprint on their armor.

This week’s workout consists of four excellent exercises that will work your abs and general core area.

So go ahead and download your copy of the workout sheet below and get with it!


Do each exercise for 30 seconds, rest for 15 seconds, then move to the next exercise. Once you finish one round, rest for 1 minute. Do 5 rounds total.



Try to do each exercise to failure and aim for a minimum of 60 seconds.


Skip the planks extended and feel free not to complete the 30 seconds for the other exercises. Just makes sure to push yourself as hard as possible. 

Would you like to download The Diamond Abs Workout sheets to your phone or computer for FREE? Click the button below…

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20) The Triple Core Calisthenics Workout

triple core workout

In this workout, you’re going to do three grueling core exercises, and then you’re going to do them again FOR MORE TIME and WITHOUT ANY REST IN BETWEEN.

We know this is brutal, but it just has to happen, so let’s get right to it.


Do each exercise for the total amount of seconds then immediately move to the next exercise. Once you finish one round, rest for 50 seconds. Do 5 rounds total.



  • For the second series of sets, insted of 50 secs, go to failure


  • Rest 10-15 seconds between sets


21) Low Plank Pyramid Workout for Abs

This workout will engage your abs and give you a great work out!

Are you ready for a plank challenge?

Here’s the workout:

Warmup: Hold the push up position then hold low plank


  • 10 Low Static Plank Holds With Knee Raise (Right side)
  • 10 Low Static Plank Holds With Knee Raise (Left side)
  • 9 Low Static Plank Holds With Knee Raise (Right side)
  • 9 Low Static Plank Holds With Knee Raise (Left side)
  • Keep going in this way until you make it to zero!

Give it a try!

Todd Kuslikis

P.S. For the past couple months I’ve been blogging almost daily. I’ve been releasing Mad Monday workouts, nutrition articles (written by my wife) and so much more.

I’ve been watching the traffic for SOA (over the last 2 months) and it has actually decreased. πŸ™

This leads me to believe that the structure of daily content might not be best for the community. My goal with this website is to serve you in the best way possible and I want it to be an incredible resource for you.

With that said, and after some brainstorming, I’ve decided to change things up again. Today’s Mad Monday will be the last one for awhile. I’m going to focus more on depth in my articles. I’m going to dissect important bodyweight concepts and strive to create articles that are extremely valuable for you. Articles that you wouldn’t be able to find anywhere else!

Just wanted to give you a heads up. πŸ™‚

Be on the lookout for some EPIC content!!!


22) The Ab Shredder Throne Workout

I have another ab challenge workout for you. I hope you have been consistently doing the other ab workouts. Remember that if you follow these workouts 3X each week and incorporate the advice underneath the workouts you will see your abs popping out like you have never seen them before. And heck, its almost beach season so let’s get cranking! πŸ˜‰

For today’s workout we will be using two chairs or thrones. Place the chairs so they are facing each other with enough room for you to be in between. The workout will take 5 minutes to complete. If you want to go through it 2 or even 3 times, that’s totally up to you stud muffin.

I call this workout, “The Ab Shredder Throne Workout” because you will be using a chair (or 2 chairs to be precise) for the workout. The main exercise will be ab bicycles while you are pressing up from the chairs. You will be doing this exercise for 20 seconds in between all the other exercises. This will be your “rest”. Its not actually a rest as you will see. Its actually extremely challenging but lets trick ourselves into thinking that its a rest so we can work out harder. πŸ˜‰

Whats The Workout Look Like Todd?

Exercise 1: Bicycle on Chairs – 20 seconds

Exercise 2: Extended Sits Ups w/ Leg Lifts – 40 seconds

Exercise 3: Bicycle on Chairs – 20 seconds

Exercise 4: Leg Kicks Over Chair – 40 seconds

Exercise 5: Bicycle on Chairs – 20 seconds

Exercise 6: Crunches – 40 seconds

Exercise 7: Bicycle on Chairs – 20 seconds

Exercise 8: V-Ups – 40 seconds

Exercise 9: Bicycle on Chairs – 20 seconds

Exercise 10: Flutter Kicks – 40 seconds

–Repeat 2 or 3 times in order to reach full fatigue–

If you have struggled with losing those last 5-10lbs (or need to lose more than that) I have a technique that will help you. You may not realize it but water can be your best friend in your fat loss journey. There are two main reasons…

1. Fill up on water before meals so you eat less (seriously, this is more effective than you think)

The single reason that you (or I) have a body fat higher than we want is because we have consumed too many calories. Our stomach tells us that we are hungry and our brain tells us to grab some grub. However, even after we have consumed enough food we often look for that feeling of being “full”. It may be a subconscious or innate desire of “complete satisfaction”. I’m not sure but if you have ever found yourself reaching for more and more potato chips and hummus (yep, this is my downfall and admittedly did this a few days ago) than you know what I am talking about. Potato chips fill you up fast. When I start eating potato chips I feel like I am a man on a mission. My only goal is to fill up my tank as high as I can possibly get it. A little preventative action can go along way to eliminate this problem and still give you a feeling of fullness.

*Todd’s Tip For Feeling Full Without The Calories:  Drink one 12 oz glass of filtered water before every snack and two 12 oz glasses of filtered water before every meal. Drink it within 5 minutes of eating and you will eat quite a bit less and still have a feeling of fullness. I have been experimenting with this technique lately and have been shocked at how full I will feel after only small portions of food.

How Much Water Should I Be Drinking Every Day?

Most articles online state that you should drink 8-12 glasses of water every day. My research has shown me to advocate for this approach: “Take your body weight in lbs and multiple it by 0.6. Then drink that amount of water in ounces every day.” For most people if you use the technique described above of drinking the prescribed amounts before every snack and meal than you’ll be right on track.

2. Water Is Needed For Proper Muscle Function Which Burns Fat

Nutrition consultant and author Chris Aceto explains: “The consensus in the bodybuilding community is that high water storage within muscles acts as an anabolic factor. This allows the muscles to maintain a positive nitrogen balance, which directly impacts muscle growth.”

We have seen from past research that more muscle increases resting metabolic rate which burns fat. So drinking water will enhance your ability to burn fat.

*Please Remember!

Whenever you are changing a lifestyle habit you never want to try to change more than 1 or 2 things at a time. We are creatures of habit and will fall back into our old habits if we try to incorporate too many lifestyle changes at once. Practice something for at least 21 days straight and a habit will begin to form. Only after this initial 21 day period is over should you think about adding something new to the mix.


23) The 10 Minute Ab & Shoulder Screamer Workout

This is a super challenging shoulder and ab workout using only body weight exercises that I can almost guarantee that you won’t be able to get through. Heck, I can’t even get through it. But that’s the fun of it right?

This workout comprises of 3 moves:

Move 1: Double Leg Lumber Jacks

Move 2: Single Leg Lumber Jacks

Move 3: Plank

You will do each exercise for one minute straight and continue on to the next exercise. After you finish Move 3 you will take 1 minute rest. Trust me. You’ll need it. πŸ™‚

After the rest, you will do the same thing for the second set. Then rest for a minute and finish up with a 3rd set.


Hope you “enjoy” it! πŸ˜‰


24) The Hanging Ab Challenge Workout

The workout consists of 3 main exercises:

  1. Hanging Crunch
  2. Right Side Twist
  3. Left Side Twist

You will be doing 10 reps of each of the exercises and then rest for 60 seconds for a total of 3 sets.

That’s it!

Hope you guys enjoy the workout! As always, post your comments below….


25) The Extreme Ab Bouncer Workout

No messing around. In this workout we will be doing 3 sets of 3 different variations of the Ab Bouncer (An exercise I made up awhile ago).

Go ahead and get started with the video and learn 3 new ab exercises you have never seen before.

You’ll be feelin’ it tomorrow!

God bless!


The post 25 Quick Workouts You Can Do in Under 25 Minutes appeared first on Body Weight And Calisthenics Exercises & Workouts.

from Body Weight And Calisthenics Exercises & Workouts

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